Land registries and boundaries

Last updated on July 4, 2024

The government maintains data to keep track of land ownership, rights and jurisdiction in British Columbia.

Land that can be owned in B.C. is divided into parcels. Land parcels may be owned by governments, companies, organizations or persons. A cadastre is a register that tells us who owns a piece of land, where it is, and how big it is.

Integrated Land and Resource Registry

The Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR) stores information about land rights and legal interests especially on Crown land. 

Crown land registry

The Crown land registry (Tantalis) is an internal B.C. Government database application. It records land surveys, ownership, rights, interests and encumbrances on Crown land under the legislative requirements of the Land Act.

Administrative boundaries

These maps show administrative boundaries. This includes census and health boundaries, and school districts.

Contacts for First Nation consultation

This map service finds the contact information for the First Nations that have a treaty or established rights within an area.

Retirement of CBM - Integrated Cadastral Fabric (ICF)

The Integrated Cadastral Fabric (ICF) has been retired from the B.C. Geographic Warehouse (BCGW). ParcelMap BC (PMBC) is now the authoritative, up-to-date source of Land Title Act cadastral and ownership information