BC Stats will be using data that combines responses to BC Public Service employee surveys with personnel information from human resources management systems to carry out research to identify and eliminate systemic racism and advance racial equity in the BC Public Service. The combined information will be used in accordance with Section 4 of the Anti-Racism Data Act (ARDA).
All data is kept confidential and is reported out in an aggregated way that prevents the identification of individuals.
Relevant surveys include the Work Environment Survey and the New Job Survey. These surveys, including all the questions in the surveys, are voluntary.
The surveys collect demographic information about BC Public Service employees, as well as information about their workplace experiences. Demographic information collected includes Indigenous identity, race, ethnicity and other identity characteristics.
These surveys are collected under Section 26(c) and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Individual responses are kept confidential in accordance with the Statistics Act.
Personnel information is sourced from the Public Service Agency’s human resources system and is originally collected under Section 26(c) of FOIPPA for the purposes of personnel management. BC Stats indirectly collects this information from the Public Service Agency under the authority of s. 26(a) and s. 27(a)(iii) of FOIPPA , and s. 5 of the Statistics Act. Personnel information includes the type of position held, position movement, length of service, and some training.
If you have questions about using either employee survey data or personnel information to identify and address systemic racism and advance racial equity in the BC Public Service, please contact data-act@gov.bc.ca.
This notice of use is published in accordance with Section 4(2) of ARDA.
Find a detailed listing of all the data files and accompanying metadata records available in the Data Innovation Program.
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Please send your questions and service requests to BC Stats here.
Mail to: BC Stats, Box 9410 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9V1
Location: 563 Superior Street, Victoria BC