Capital Planning

Last updated on February 25, 2025

The capital plan submissions from boards of education are used by the Ministry of Education and Child Care to determine which priority capital projects may be included in the ministry’s Capital Plan for the following fiscal year. The capital plan submissions also provide the ministry with important insight into future year capital priorities, which can be used for longer term government planning and the determination of potential future capital funding requirements for the public education system.

School districts started preparing their 2024-25 and 2025-26 child care capital plans using the expanded Capital Asset Planning System (CAPS) on April 8, 2024.

The 2024-25 Call for Submission is now closed. The ministry will review requests, select projects and notify school districts if they have been selected to move forward. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified.

Submissions for 2025-26 align with the capital planning cycle for K-12. For more information, refer to the Capital Plan Instructions.


Child Care Capital Planning

  • School districts started preparing capital plans for child care using the expanded Capital Asset Planning System (CAPS) on April 8, 2024
    • The 2024-25 Call for Submission is now closed
    • Refer to the Capital Plan Instructions for information on 2025-26 submission timelines
  • School districts use the Capital Asset Planning System to request funding for child care projects on school grounds in addition to education capital funding
  • To help ensure fair and equitable access to capital funding, school district requests will be considered at the same time as other applications to the New Spaces Fund
  • The ministry will review requests, select projects, and notify school districts if they have been selected to move forward. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified
  • Child care capital funding is provided through the ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund 
  • For more information, refer to the 2024-25 Capital Plan Instructions

School districts with questions about the process or capital concept development can contact their Regional Director and Planning Officer team. School districts with questions about child care operational planning and programming can contact the Child Care Development Support team at


School Site Acquisition Charge

The School Sites Acquisition Charge (SSAC) is a charge per dwelling unit to be paid by residential developers. The charge collected by local government is transferred to school boards to help them to fund for new school sites needed as a result of new residential development.