Ministry Capital Budgets Archive 1980/81 to 2007/08

Last updated on April 20, 2022
Budget Year Approved Capital
($ millions)
Budget Year Approved Capital
($ millions)
1980/81 128.1 1994/95 518.0
1981/82 219.7 1995/96 230.0
1982/83 145.1 1996/97 275.0
1983/84 24.3 1997/98 250.0
1984/85 48.9 1998/99 525.0
1985/86 53.9 1999/2000 512.6
1986/87 76.4 2000/01 450.0
1987/88 101.1 2001/02 240.6
1988/89 142.5 2002/03 110.6
1989/90 250.0 2003/04 213.5
1990/91 350.0 2004/05 235.3
1991/92 650.0 2005/06 207.3
1992/93 582.0 2006/07 276.3
1993/94 365.0 2007/08 216.9


Contact information

The Capital Delivery Branch at the Ministry of Education and Child Care helps school boards complete the long-term capital planning process.