Adult Non-Graduated Funding Policy - Independent Schools

Last updated on July 2, 2024

Date came into force or revised

February 2014 (Updated July 1, 2023)



Policy statement

Non-graduated adult students enrolled in an independent school are funded for eligible courses leading to the British Columbia Certificate of Graduation (the Dogwood) or leading to the Adult Graduation Diploma (the Adult Dogwood).  The eligible course list and additional criteria are included in this document.

Rationale or purpose of policy

This policy supports funding of adult non-graduates in independent schools.


Independent School Act (PDF), section 13

Policy in full

Adult Non-Graduate Eligibility:

Eligible courses will be funded if they are documented on a Course Enrolment Form, if the student taking the course(s) meets the attendance requirements, and if the student meets the criteria below as documented by the school:

Students must be:

  • Canadian citizens
  • ordinarily resident in BC
  • enrolled in an independent school
  • under the supervision of, assessed and evaluated by an employee of the independent school authority who is certified by, and in good standing with, the Teacher Regulation Branch.

Schools must:

  • Complete and retain Form 1704 for each adult non-graduate student enrolled; and,
  • Have a declaration of residency form on file for each adult non-graduated reported for funding.

Adult Non-Graduate Funding:

Funding for adult non-graduates in independent schools enrolled in eligible courses that lead to the B.C. Certificate of Graduation or the B.C. Adult Graduation Diploma will be based on:

Non-graduated adult students who successfully challenge courses are eligible for funding. The Ministry will fund authorities the equivalent per pupil funding of a 1-credit course for each successfully completed course Challenge. To receive funding, enrolling authorities must report successful course challenges to the Ministry through the Transcript and Examinations (TRAX) system by June 30 of the school year in which the Challenge occurred.  More information about reporting course Challenges can be found in the Handbook of Procedures.

Adult Non-Graduate student with Inclusive Education Funding Eligibility:

Adult students who have not graduated and have disabilities or diverse abilities are eligible for inclusive education funding under certain circumstances. 

See Form 1701 (K-12 Form Instructions), for category details. Adult students must also have been reported on the Form 1701 in the prior school year (they are continuing their K-12 education program uninterrupted from when they were still school age), are working towards the continuation of those school-age goals set out in their Individual Education Plan (IEP) and are enrolled in eligible courses that lead to the B.C. Certificate of Graduation or the B.C. Adult Graduation Diploma.

Official Language (Federal) Funding:

Non-graduated adults are eligible for Official Language federal funding if the adult non-graduate student meets the criteria as outlined on the Form 1701 instructions.  Federal funding is subject to negotiated protocol and bilateral agreements between the Province and the Federal Government.

Adult Non-Graduate Students:

  • may be charged fees for courses.

Eligible Courses

For non-graduated adult students, eligible courses are limited to Ministry authorized courses and Board/Authority authorized courses that lead to a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation (the Dogwood) or the Adult Graduation Diploma (the Adult Dogwood).

Additional Definitions

Procedures related to policy

Bricks and Mortar Independent Schools

Adult non-graduate funding will be based on the number of non-graduated adult student FTEs attending at the September claim date of the same year as reported on Form 1701 (K-12 Form 1701 Instructions).

Online Learning Independent Schools

For adult non-graduates in independent distributed learning schools, funding will be based on the three data collections of enrolments, SeptemberFebruary, and May.


Contact information

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Independent School Office.