Educational Standards for Independent Schools

Publication date: August 1, 2023

Date came into force or revised

Updated: September 10, 2024



Policy statement

Educational programs in Group 1, 2 and 4 independent schools must meet certain requirements for instructional time, subject offering, learning outcomes and other matters. These are specified in the Independent School Act, Regulations and Orders particularly Ministerial Order 41/91, the Educational Standards Order

Rationale or purpose of policy

To ensure that independent schools offer an educational program that meets the requirements of their group classification


Policy in full

General Curriculum Requirements

Educational programs in Group 1, 2 and 4 independent schools must meet the instructional time, subject offering, learning outcomes and other requirements specified in the Independent School Act, Regulations and Orders (particularly Ministerial Order 41/91, the Educational Standards Order (PDF).

All students enrolled in Grades Kindergarten to 9 must be offered the following minimum number of instructional hours each year (Ministerial Order 41/91, the Educational Standards Order, section 3(2) (PDF)):

  • 450 hours of instruction for Kindergarten.
  • 850 hours of instruction for Grades 1 to 9.

General Kindergarten to Grade 9 Program Requirements

Courses in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science, and the mandatory second language in Grades 5 - 8, must meet the prescribed learning standards set out in the educational program guides referred to in the Educational Program Guide Order (PDF), and in the Educational Standards Order section 4(4) (PDF). Information on the BC Curriculum can be accessed on the curriculum pages of the Ministry website.

All other subjects or courses must meet one or the other of the following:

  • the learning standards set out in the applicable Ministry educational program guide (curriculum document) for that course or subject and grade, or 
  • the learning standards established by the independent school authority for that course or subject and grade.

On-site external evaluations and monitoring inspections will confirm that independent school authority approved courses are meeting Ministry of Education and Child Care requirements.

Grades K-9 Areas of Study Requirements

  • For Grades K-7, an authority must offer the following areas of study to all students:

    (a) English Language Arts,
    (b) Social Studies,
    (c) Mathematics,
    (d) Science,
    (e) Physical and Health Education,
    (f)  Arts Education,
    (g) Career Education,
    (h) Applied Design, Skills and Technologies.

  • For Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, an authority must offer instruction in a second language to all students in each school year. All mandatory second language courses must be provincially-approved. Independent schools wanting to teach a second language that has not yet been approved by the Ministry can seek approval.  To do this, they must develop the language curriculum using the provincial Languages Template and then secure approval from the Ministry.
  • For Grades 8 and 9, an authority must offer an educational program each year to all students that includes the following:
    (a) English Language Arts,
    (b) Social Studies,
    (c) Mathematics,
    (d) Science,
    (e) Physical and Health Education,
    (f) Arts Education,
    (g) Applied Design, Skills and Technologies,
    (h) Health and Career Education

Graduation Program Requirements (Grades 10-12)

In order to meet graduation requirements and be awarded a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma), students must earn a minimum of 80 credits and write the Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment and Grades 10 and 12 Literacy Assessments. The 80 credits must include 52 credits for required courses (including 8 credits of Career Education courses) and a minimum of 28 elective credits.

Procedures related to policy

Board/Authority Authorized Courses

If Independent schools want to offer Authority Authorized Courses in Grades 10-12, they must follow the procedures found in the document Board/Authority Authorized Courses: Requirements and Procedures.

Students may earn elective credits toward graduation by successfully completing BAA or FNA Courses. There is no limit to the number of BAA or FNA Courses which may be used to satisfy the 28 credits of electives required for graduation.  In some cases, at the Grade 11 level only, BAA or FNA Courses may be used to satisfy the Arts Education and/or Applied Design, Skills and Technologies (ADST) requirement towards graduation. Grade 12-level BAA Courses and FNA Courses may count towards the 16 Grade 12-level credits required for graduation. BAA Courses do not include modified or remedial courses. BAA courses must not have a significant overlap of expected learning outcomes with Ministry of Education and Child Care authorized courses. The exception to this is for Art Education or Applied Design, Skills and Technologies  courses only when they are developed using the 2018 curriculum standards, as found on the Ministry Fine Arts and Applied Skills Requirements in the Graduation Program.  

  • Independent schools must use BAA Course Form 2023 ( as a cover page for the BAA Course Framework.
  • To verify that the BAA Course has been properly registered and approved and can be offered for credit, the following items must be completed:
  • As with all courses, classroom implementation requires the development of a course planning document which includes content, teaching strategies, assessment methods, and linkages to learning  standards. The BAA Course Framework may serve as the planning document if it includes all required elements.  Planning and implementation of BAA courses will be reviewed throughout the regular independent school inspection process.
  • Further information on BAA courses is found here: at Board/Authority Authorized Courses (BAA) and First Nation Authorized (FNA) Course Requirements and Procedures Guidebook (PDF, 4.1MB)

Provincial Student Transcripts for Independent School Students

Graduates from Group 1 and 2 independent schools who satisfy graduation requirements may receive a provincial transcript and a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation (the "Dogwood Diploma").

Graduates from Group 4 schools who satisfy graduation requirements may receive a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation and transcript of grades if all teachers in the school hold valid British Columbia teacher certification.

Contact information

For more information about this policy, contact the Independent Schools Office.