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Independent schools claim inclusive education categories on Form 1701 in September and February of each school year.
To ensure consistency and transparency in communication between school administrators and parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of funded students with disabilities or diverse abilities, an Independent School Forms and Agreements - B.C. Ministry of Education and Child Care Parent/Guardian Confirmation Form is required annually for each student claimed for inclusive education funding or who is on an IEP.
SET-BC services to independent schools are limited to students claimed for supplementary Inclusive education funding in Category A, B, C, D, E or G, and the student’s access to the curriculum is restricted by his/her disability.
Schools that have a student(s) who may qualify for SET-BC services must apply by submitting a SET-BC Screening Checklist from FISA BC’s Forms and Applications page. Submission details and contact information are included on the checklist.
ARC-BC (alternate format materials)
Independent Schools Branch