Compliance Program Information

Last updated on September 3, 2024

The Compliance Program supports the ministry's efforts to provide accurate funding to boards of education and independent school authorities.

Goals and objectives

  • To provide assurance to the ministry and school boards, and independent school authorities that ministry requirements are being followed
  • To promote adherence to compliance with ministry funding directives
  • To support the accurate allocation of education funds based on the funding formula

Major program activities

Conducting audits and reviews in the following areas:

  • K-12 Regular Enrolment
       (including Alternate Education Programs, English Language Learning and Indigenous Education)
  • Continuing Education Enrolment
  • Inclusive/Special Education
  • Online Learning Enrolment
  • Summer Learning

Annual School Year Audit Notifications and Compliance Audit Procedures

* Audit Information for years prior to those listed above can be requested from Compliance Program

Contact information

Compliance Program
Resource Management Division
Funding and Financial Accountability Branch