The Cost and Return Investment of Post-secondary Education

Last updated on August 23, 2024

See how much it costs to complete a post-secondary program, consider how much debt is left after graduation and see the long-term payoff in lifetime earnings.

An analysis in 2024 by the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills shows that graduates of post-secondary programs earn a higher income over a working lifetime than they would make with a high school diploma.


Tuition Fees

Institutions 2022/23 Tuition Fees 2023/24 Tuition Fees 2023/24 Percent Over 2022/23
Colleges (C)
Camosun College $3,697 $3,771 2.0%
Coast Mountain College $3,024 $3,085 2.0%
College of New Caledonia $2,944 $3,003 2.0%
College of the Rockies $2,975 $3,035 2.0%
Douglas College $3,365 $3,431 2.0%
Langara College $3,165 $3,229 2.0%
North Island College $3,206 $3,269 2.0%
Northern Lights College $3,511 $3,581 2.0%
Okanagan College $3,690 $3,764 2.0%
Selkirk College $3,077 $3,136 1.9%
Vancouver Community College $2,902 $2,960 2.0%
Simple Average1 $3,232 $3,297 2.0%
Weighted Average2 $3,321 $3,346 2.0%
Institutes (I)
British Columbia Institute of Technology3 $5,681 $5,795 2.0%
Justice Institute of British Columbia4 $5,523 $5,633 2.0%
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology $2,783 $2,839 2.0%
Simple Average1 $4,662 $4,756 2.0%
Weighted Average2 $5,544 $5,655 2.0%
C & I Simple Average1 $3,539 $3,609 2.0%
C & I Weighted Average2 $4,029 $3,924 2.0%
Teaching-Intensive Universities (TIU)
Capilano University $4,230 $4,315 2.0%
Emily Carr University of Art and Design $4,352 $4,439 2.0%
Kwantlen Polytechnic University $4,604 $4,696 2.0%
Royal Roads University5 $7,789 $7,945 2.0%
Thompson Rivers University $4,576 $4,668 2.0%
University of the Fraser Valley $4,710 $4,804 2.0%
Vancouver Island University $4,798 $4,894 2.0%
Simple Average1 $5,008 $5,109 2.0%
Weighted Average2 $4,831 $4,839 2.0%
Research-Intensive Universities (RIU)
Simon Fraser University $6,114 $6,236 2.0%
University of British Columbia $5,729 $5,843 2.0%
University of Northern British Columbia $5,756 $5,872 2.0%
University of Victoria $6,045 $6,166 2.0%
Simple Average1 $5,911 $6,029 2.0%
Weighted Average2 $5,879 $6,002 2.0%
TIU & RIU Simple Average1 $5,337 $5,443 2.0%
TIU & RIU Weighted Average2 $5,598 $5,627 2.0%
System Simple Average1 $4,330 $4,416 2.0%
System Weighted Average2 $5,153 $5,049 2.0%
  1. Simple averages for the year-over-year and the cumulative percent change columns are calculated by averaging the percent change of each institution within a sector or sector grouping (i.e. college sector, TIU & RIU).
  2. Weighted averages for tuition are derived by using institution size (i.e. student Full-Time Equivalents, or FTEs) to provide an average that more accurately reflects the average amounts paid. The current year uses the Funded FTEs; all prior years are restated annually using Actual FTEs.
  3. Tuition for British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) is derived from the full-time Technology program. In 2021/22, BCIT revised the methodology for full-time Technology from a simple average to a weighted average using average headcount of sampled programs in three technology tuition bands.
  4. Tuition for Justice Institute of British Columbia is derived from a Bachelor of Emergency and Security Management Studies.
  5. Tuition for Royal Roads University is derived from a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science.

Mandatory Fees

Institutions Fees Payable to the Institution1 Fees Payable to the Student Society2 Total Fees
Camosun College $96 $756 $852
Coast Mountain College $236 $368 $604
College of New Caledonia $242 $532 $774
College of the Rockies $711 $387 $1,098
Douglas College $75 $779 $854
Langara College $185 $947 $1,132
North Island College $276 $438 $714
Northern Lights College $209 $40 $249
Okanagan College $407 $413 $821
Selkirk College $541 $444 $986
Vancouver Community College $203 $676 $880
Average $289 $526 $815
British Columbia Institute of Technology $225 $1,214 $1,439
Justice Institute of British Columbia $189 $408 $596
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology $60 $756 $816
Average $158 $792 $950
Teaching-Intensive Universities
Capilano University $557 $1,259 $1,817
Emily Carr University of Art and Design $311 $830 $1,140
Kwantlen Polytechnic University $329 $1,003 $1,331
Royal Roads University $513 $775 $1,288
Thompson Rivers University $781 $1,397 $2,178
University of the Fraser Valley $576 $527 $1,104
Vancouver Island University $408 $478 $886
Average $496 $896 $1,392
Research-Intensive Universities
Simon Fraser University $272 $1,161 $1,433
University of British Columbia $245 $997 $1,242
University of Northern British Columbia $513 $609 $1,122
University of Victoria $192 $713 $905
Average $305 $870 $1,175
System Average $334 $716 $1,050


  1. Fees payable to the institution include registration fees, technology and laboratory fees, library fees, learning resource fees, ancillary fees, athletic and recreation fees, etc. Fees payable to the institution have been subject to the 2% Tuition Limit Policy since 2007. 
  2. Fees payable to the student society include Canadian Federation of Students fees, U-Pass fees, student union building fees, optional health and dental fees, etc. Student fee amounts must be approved by a majority of the student society. Any rate changes must be approved by student society referendum. Fees payable to the student society are not subject to the 2% Tuition Limit Policy. 

Government Student Loan Debt for Graduates

Find out how much debt students have once they graduate. Information is based on students who were surveyed after graduation.

Note: Percentages listed reflect the number of respondents who incurred government student loan debt and answered finance questions. Dollar amounts reflect the median debt of respondents who reported government student loan debt. Prior to 2018, the funding questions were asked of a 50% sample; starting in 2018, they were asked of all respondents.

Bachelor Degree Graduates

Diploma, Associate Degree & Certificate Graduates









Debt Overview












