Request approval for a business name

Last updated on January 28, 2025

Businesses and organizations must have their name approved and confirm that it's not already being used.

This must be completed before proceeding with incorporation, registration, amalgamation, restoration or a name change. 

Getting a name approved:

  • Ensures it's appropriate and won't confuse or mislead the public
  • Provides a public record of businesses and organizations that can be searched

Only incorporated companies, cooperatives or societies can guarantee exclusive use of their name.

There is no name protection for the name of a sole proprietorship or partnership, as this applies to incorporated companies, cooperatives and societies only.

Having a name approved and reserved for a sole proprietorship or a partnership doesn't guarantee it'll be approved for an incorporated company if you decide to incorporate later.


Choose a name

You'll be asked to provide three different name choices, ranked in order of your preference.

If you wish to incorporate using an incorporation number as the company, cooperative or society name, name approval is not required. The number will be assigned automatically.


1. Check if your preferred names are already being used

Search for existing business and organization names online or hire a qualified service provider to do this for you.


2. Include a distinctive element

A distinctive element is what sets it apart from other names.

Less like... More like...
Tire Shop Ltd. Kitimat Tire Shop Ltd.
Shoe Store Ltd. Linda's Shoe Store Ltd.
Senior Care Society Benevolent Relief Senior Care Society
Outdoor Recreation Club Fireside Outdoor Recreation Club

3. Include a descriptive element

The descriptive element describes the nature of the business. For example:

  • Fernie Brake Shop Ltd.
  • Kamloops Stationery Ltd.
  • Gentle Rain Fellowship of Faith Society
  • Gentle Teaching International Society 

A descriptive element is not required for names that include a made-up word with a geographical location (e.g. Altrex Canada Ltd.).

Similar descriptive words. Make sure your name's descriptive words are unique. It needs to be different than other names that are already registered. For example, if you request ‘John’s Hotel’ and ‘John’s Inn’ already exists, your name request will be rejected. However, 'John's Hotel and Bar' can be approved. Here are some similar words to consider:


Cosmetic, day spa, electrolysis, manicure, makeup, nail, skin


Auto body, car, collision, fix, garage, mechanic, motor, repair, service, tune, vehicle


Aggregate, concrete, form, ready-mix, rebar


Excursion, guide, outfit, sightseeing, sport fishing


Clean, custodian, domestic, handyman, housekeeping, janitor, maid, maintenance


Apparel, attire, boutique, casual, clothes, clothier, couture, fashion, garb, garment, wardrobe, wear


Data, laptop, PC, program, soft, solution, system, software


Build, contract, develop, home, remodel, reno, restore, structure


Blue-ray, DVD, film, media, motion, movie, picture, production, release, studios, talent, television, theatre, TV, VCR, video


Cable, electric, light, wire

Fish farming

Aquaculture, aquafarm, fish, mariculture, oyster, salmon, trout, seafarm, seafood, shellfish


Aerobic, circuit, conditioning, fit, gym, Pilates, spa, train, workout, exercise


Floor, carpet, ceramic, hardwood, laminate, lino, linoleum, marble, rug, terrazzo, tile

Forestry, forester, forest management, logging, lumber, paper, pulp, reforest, sawmill, silviculture, timber, timber management, tree planting, wood


Acceptance, asset, capital, credit, equity, fund, invest, load, mortgage, mutual, securities


Garden, gardener, grass, ground, horticulture, landscape, lawn, mow, plant, yard


Barber, beauty, coiffure, cut, hair, salon, style

Medical, practice, surgery, wellness


Air conditioning, climate, comfort, furnace, HVAC, mechanical, pipe fit, plumbing


Bed and breakfast, inn, lodge, resort, motel


Assurance, benefit, life, underwriting

Mining resources

Coal, exploration, explore, drill, energy, fuel, gas, oil, petroleum, propane, resources, mine, mineral, placer, prospect

Real estate

Estate, land, listing, property, realty


Bistro, café, cantina, kitchen, cuisine, deli, dine, diner, dining, eats, eatery, gallery, grill, sandwich, takeout, taverna, tratoria

Security systems

Alarm, guard, investigation, monitor, patrol, protect, surveillance, watch


Terminal, container, depot, warehouse


Airporter, cab, chauffeur, limo, limousine, taxi cab


Carrier, cartage, express, freight, haul, hotshot, line, lobed, logistic, moving, shipper, shipping, transfer, transport, truck


Adventure, cruise, expedition, holiday, safari, travel, trip


Fabricating, machining, metal, weld


4. Include a corporate designation (if appropriate)

Incorporated companies, cooperatives and societies must have a corporate designation included in their name.

Limited companies

Include one of the following as the last word of the name:

  • Limited, Limitee (fr), Ltd., or Ltee (fr).
  • Incorporated, Incorporee (fr), or Inc.
  • Corporation or Corp.

Unlimited liability companies

Include one of the following as the last word of the name:

  • ULC
  • Unlimited Liability Company
  • SRI
  • S.R.I.
Community contribution companies

Include one of the following as part of the name:

  • Community Contribution Company
  • CCC
Extraprovincial companies that are limited liability companies

May include one of the following at the end of the name:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • LLC
Not-for-profit societies or extraprovincial non-share corporations

Usually have one of the following as part of the name:

  • Association, ASSN. or Assn.
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Church or Eglise
  • Club
  • Christian School
  • Fellowship
  • Foundation or Fondation
  • Guild
  • Parish
  • Society or Societe
  • Watershed

Should have one of the following in the name:

  • Cooperative
  • Coop, Co-op or another grammatical form of these words
  • Association
  • Exchange
  • Society
  • Union
  • A similar word approved by BC Registries and Online Services

Do not use "not for profit" or "non-profit" unless the co-op is a housing project.

General partnerships and proprietorships (unincorporated)

Do not use words used by limited companies (e.g., Ltd., Inc. or Corp.).

Limited partnerships can use Company or Co.

Limited liability partnerships

Limited liability partnerships must use one of the following at the end of the name:

  • Limited Liability Partnership
  • LLP
  • Societe a responsabilite limitee
  • Societe en nom collectif a responsabilite limitee
  • SRL

Limited partnership

Limited partnerships must use the following at the end of the name:

  • Limited Partnership


Naming rules


Single word names

You can increase your chances of getting a single-word name approved by including:

  • A coined or made-up word or phrase for proprietorships or general partnerships (e.g. Mapchem)
  • A geographical reference for incorporated companies (e.g. Mapchem Canada Inc.)

Your best bet is to avoid single word names and following instructions for choosing a name using the distinctive element, the descriptive element, and the corporate designation.


Numbered names

Numerals may be used in company names as the distinctive element. A year may be used in a name provided that it is the year of incorporation, amalgamation, change of name, or registration. For example:

  • Pacific Enterprises (1997) Ltd.

Incorporation numbers may be used as the name of a B.C. company in the following format: 345678 B.C. Ltd. The name will be given according to the next available number at the time of incorporation. A name reservation or fee is not required for B.C. companies using their incorporation number.

Extraprovincial numbered companies (companies from other jurisdictions continuing into B.C.) can use their numbered name. They need to follow the name request process.


Personal names

For a corporation or a society, a natural person’s full name will be considered to be sufficiently distinctive and therefore acceptable. For example:

  • Bill Brown Ltd.
  • John Smith Society

Two surnames or initials with a surname are also acceptable. For example:

  • Brown, Green Inc.
  • J.R. Black Society

Personal names cannot be used for a partnership or sole proprietorship. Partnerships or sole proprietorships doing business under a personal name do not need to request a business name or register the business with the province.


Well-known names

Well-known names and trademarks will not be allowed without the advance written consent of the holder. For example:

  • Exxon
  • Xerox
  • Coke

Use of names of public figures require written consent of the person named.


Extraprovincial names

Special consideration will be given to established extraprovincial companies applying for registration in the province as long as there is not a direct conflict with another name.

Extraprovincial companies are required to reserve the same name they have reserved in their home jurisdiction, unless it is already taken or is determined to be unacceptable by the registrar.


Special characters

Avoid using special characters (e.g. %, *, or ¢). Special characters can create confusion, may not be recognized by a computer or may not print accurately.


Words that imply a government connection (e.g. B.C.)

The word “government” (in English or French) is not allowed. Written consent from a government is required to use words that could imply connection with or endorsement from that government. This would include words like: ministry, bureau, secretariat, commission or certified.

“British Columbia” or “B.C.” implies connection with the Government of British Columbia. Written consent is required from the Office of Protocol, Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat, after the name has been approved by BC Registry Services.

Consent is not required if "British Columbia" or "B.C." is placed at the end of a name and before the corporate designation. For example, Pacific Warehouse Storage BC Ltd.


Words that imply a connection with the Crown or royal family

A name which suggests or implies a connection with the Crown, any living member of the royal family, or an endorsement by the Crown or royal family will not be accepted without written consent from the appropriate authority.

This rule does not apply to names with geographical locations such as Prince George, Prince Rupert, or reference to New Westminster as the Royal City. 

Using "crown" or "royal" is allowed when it's clear that there is no connection with the Crown or royal family, for example:

  • Triple Crown Painting Ltd.
  • Royal Star Holdings Ltd.

Objectionable names

Names will be rejected if they include:

  • Vulgar expressions
  • Obscene words or connotation
  • Racial, physical or sexual slurs

If consent is required

If you require consent from a company, you may fill out this sample consent form


Appealing a decision

  1. Appeals must be received by the registrar within 30 days of rejection decision
  2. Appeals should be emailed to
    1. Subject Line: Appeal NRXXXXXX
  3. Evidence may be submitted at the time of appeal
    1. Examples of types of evidence accepted:
      1. Registered trademarks
      2. Affiliations with conflicting entities
    2. Examples of evidence not accepted:
      1. Personal testimonies
      2. Decisions from other jurisdictions
  4. Should the first appeal be denied one additional appeal may be applied for
    1. Second appeals must be received within 5 days of the latest appeal rejection
  5. Evidence may be submitted at the time of second appeal
    1. Examples of types of evidence accepted:
      1. Registered appeals
      2. Affiliations
    2. Examples of evidence not accepted:
      1. Personal testimonies
      2. Decisions from other jurisdictions


Request a name

Submit your name request online or complete the Name Request form (PDF, 117KB) and mail it or drop it off at a Service BC location ($30 fee). Include payment when submitting your request by mail. Make payment payable to the Minister of Finance. Request priority service ($100 fee) if you need to have a name approved in 1 to 2 business days.

Results are sent immediately to your email address, if you provided one. If not, results will be mailed to you.

You may provide a maximum of three names which will be considered in the order provided, only if your first choice cannot be approved.  If you wish to have more than one name approved, you must complete an additional name request and pay another fee.

Once a name request is approved, it's reserved for 56 days. Be sure to register or incorporate your business before your name reservation expires. If not, you'll need to submit another name request. Anyone can use the name once the reservation expires.

BC OnLine users: Please use the new BC Registry application to submit name requests.

Ask for help

Contact the BC Registries helpdesk for help Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The registry does not provide business or legal advice.

Toll free: 1 877 526-1526
Victoria: 250 387-7848

Support and services

For additional support with BC Registries filings, visit a Service BC location or call 1-877-370-1033.  Visit Support with BC Registries filings for your service options. Please note that Service BC does not provide legal or financial advice.

Explore business resources and support services from the Small Business Branch.

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