Developing Lands and Community Amenities

Last updated on January 29, 2025

Land use planning can improve the economy of a community and create a clear path forward for developing community amenities. Some examples of this are building recreation centres or transportation networks. This section shares stories of land development work around B.C. and gives you tools to use in your community.

Creating Economic Development Opportunities with Local Government Legislation

The Community Charter and the Local Government Act are key pieces of legislation that provide local governments with broad powers and tools that enable them to take action to support small businesses and community economic development. This webinar provides an overview of the legislative framework and principles of the local government system in British Columbia related to economic development.

First, officials from the B.C. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provide an overview of local government legislation and some of the economic development tools that are available through the local government system. Then Emanuel Machado, the Chief Administrative Officer from the Open for Business award winning Town of Gibsons, shares some successful community economic development work that has been supported by local government legislation.

This webinar was held during Small Business week when the Open for Business Awards were accepting nominations. At the end of the webinar we were joined by a member of the Small Business Roundtable who provided a walk through of the application process!

Presentation Slides:

Watch the Local Government Legislation webinar originally broadcast on October 24, 2019.

The More We Get Together: Innovation Spaces

Co-working spaces, maker-spaces, innovation hubs, start-up incubators: these are all examples of the growing trend to promote innovation by bringing people together in shared spaces. It‘s based on the principle that interaction generates new ideas which lead to economic opportunities. The more we get together, the more innovative we can be.

B.C. is home to many innovation spaces that run the gamut from hot-desking to shared manufacturing facilities. Creating shared innovation space is an economic strategy to boost innovation in your community.
Join this webinar to learn from two B.C. communities that have created innovation spaces, and hear about two other examples from across Canada that may spark your own ideas into action.

Presentation Slides:

Watch the Innovative Spaces webinar originally broadcast on April 12, 2018.

Growing BC's Tourism Sector with RV Parks and Campgrounds

Campgrounds and RV parks in B.C. are magnets for visitors who contribute to the local economy during their stay. Some even come back as residents and business owners. In fact, the B.C. camping industry contributes $606 million to GDP and employs 7,524 people.

This webinar will explore how RV parks and campgrounds may fit into your community’s tourism strategy and community development plan. You’ll gain an understanding of the value potential of the RV and camping sector, and how to address challenges to expanding camping in your area.

Hear experiences from two communities that have camping and RVing as part of their tourism strategies: Mission (Stave West Forest & Recreation Area), and the Osoyoos First Nation (Nk’Mip RV Park).

Presentation Slides:

Watch the RV Parks and Campgrounds webinar originally broadcast on April 5, 2018.

Save Money by Connecting Asset Management to Land use

This webinar will provide local government staff with tools, processes and funding opportunities to help address the challenges related to the increasing financial burden of infrastructure servicing, maintenance, renewal and development over the long-term.

Hear how the award winning Community Lifecycle Infrastructure Costing Tool (CLIC Tool) has enabled the City of Prince George to take a more integrated approach to planning by connecting asset management to land–use, which can help:

  • Save money
  • Support sustainable assets and service
  • Encourage integrated decision making
  • Achieve sustainable land-use policies

You’ll also hear about the Town of Gibson’s Eco-Asset Management approach, which recognizes and values the services natural assets can provide: leading to a more efficient and cost-effective service delivery.

Watch the Connecting Asset Management to Land Use webinar originally broadcast on November 24, 2016

Development Approvals Made Easy

Property close to major B.C. highways and roadways make for prime commercial real estate and economic development. If the property meets certain conditions, however, such as being within 800m of an intersection on a controlled access highway - some additional approvals are required from the BC Government. In this webinar, Senior District Development Technician Ryan Evanoff will guide you through the approval process to make sure your future development projects go as smoothly as possible. Avoid costly construction delays and learn the ins and outs of government approvals!

Watch the Development Approvals webinar originally broadcast on October 29, 2015.

Ideas for Engaging Neighbourhoods on Affordable Market Housing

Communities throughout B.C. experiencing population growth are increasingly seeking to reinvest in existing neighbourhoods and infrastructure.  Learn how an innovative online tool called PlaceSpeak offers new options for building trust and transparency in the public engagement process, and how a developer works to balance the creation of affordable housing while respecting community interests.

Watch the Affordable Market Housing webinar originally broadcast on November 27, 2014.

Rental Renaissance: How to support a flourishing rental housing sector in your community

There is a growing need for purpose-built, affordable housing in many communities – providing an opportunity for development. Hear how the City of New Westminster has responded to this opportunity through its Secured Market Rental Housing Policy. As well, we’ll hear from a developer about the opportunities and obstacles when working to build new rental housing in B.C.

Watch the Rental Renaissance webinar originally broadcast on October 30, 2014.

Growth Pressures: Housing Needs in Communities Experiencing Industrial Growth

Some B.C. communities are preparing for incredible growth as large industries explore options for development. With development comes demand on the local housing stock and affordability. So what is the response? Hear from a local government and a major industry player on how housing challenges are being met in the District of Kitimat in Northwest B.C.

Watch the Growth Pressures webinar originally broadcast on October 2, 2014

Secondary Suites: What Works, What Doesn't?

Secondary suites are discussed, providing an overview of the BC Building code and best-practise presentations from two local-governments who share their challenges, set-backs, solutions and successes with secondary suite bylaws and regulations.

Delivered in partnership with the Office of Housing and Construction Standards

Watch the Secondary Suites webinar originally broadcast on January 30, 2014

Where do Housing Costs Come From: A Developer's Inside Peek

Hear from industry experts on what contributes to the cost of building affordable housing – elements that make or break a project and development cost calculations are explained. Also hear from a local government about the challenges they face in supporting affordable housing.

Delivered in partnership with the Office of Housing and Construction Standards.

Watch the Housing Cost webinar originally broadcast on November 28, 2013

Drivers Affecting Housing Affordability

This webinar sets the context for the series by exploring the economic and other drivers that affect housing affordability. We will hear from the BC Real Estate Association’s chief economist as well as the mayor of a northern community affected by these larger drivers.

Delivered in partnership with the Office of Housing and Construction Standards

Watch the Drivers Affecting Housing Affordability webinar originally broadcast on October 23, 2013

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