The B.C. Major Projects Inventory (MPI), published quarterly, provides summary information on major projects in the Province of British Columbia.
The MPI includes a listing of private and public sector construction projects in B.C. with an estimated capital cost of $15 million (Cdn.) or greater ($20 million or greater within the Lower Mainland–Vancouver area).
Approximately two-thirds of existing projects receive an update each quarter. New projects are added to the list every quarter. Projects on hold for longer than two years are removed from the publication. Completed projects are removed from the list in the following quarter.
Information sources include:
Projects that are under consideration or proposed to be funded by the provincial government may be listed where there is public information about such projects. The description may indicate the status of provincial funding applications if it is available from public information.
Projects are listed within the eight economic development regions:
A map showing the location of the regions and main population centres is included in the regional sections of the MPI. Projects are also listed according to the nearest population centre. This could be an unincorporated centre or a local government, (e.g., a municipality).
Cost estimates are general estimates from the information sources used and are not necessarily produced in a consistent manner. The estimated costs are revised when new information is available. All estimates are recorded in millions of dollars.
Start and finish dates for proposed projects are based on estimates from the sources used, or in some cases, reasonable assumptions. These dates are revised as new information becomes available.
Projects are listed by status:
Projects that are on hold for longer than two years are normally removed from the publication (although retained in our database).
Cancelled projects are noted in the:
Cancelled projects and completed projects in this quarter will be removed from the next issue of the MPI.
Information on sustainable building design is identified as well as construction projects that are registered and certified under a recognized green building rating system (e.g., Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®), Green Globes). LEED buildings provide an environmentally responsible standard for energy efficiency in the home and workplace. This designation has been added to the project description to promote awareness of the benefits of green buildings.
For more information on the BC Major Projects Inventory, please email