Delivery Services and Ride-Hail Services Workers - Regulation Part 7, Section 34.3

Last updated on September 3, 2024


Text of Legislation
Policy Interpretation
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This section lists which provisions of the Employment Standards Act do not apply to delivery services workers and ride-hail services workers.

Text of Legislation

Delivery services and ride-hail services workers

34.3 The following provisions of the Act do not apply to delivery services workers and ride-hail services workers:

(a) section 27;

(b) Part 4, other than section 39;

(c) Part 5;

(d) section 49.1 (1) (a);

(e) section 52.13;

(f) section 52.5 (4) (a);

(g) Part 7;

(h) section 65 (1) (a).

Policy Interpretation

The following provisions of the Employment Standards Act do not apply to delivery services workers and ride-hail services workers:

Related Information

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