Complaints of Contraventions of This Regulation - Regulation Part 8, Section 47

Last updated on September 3, 2024


Text of Legislation
Policy Interpretation
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This section explains which sections of this Regulation can be the subject of a complaint.

Text of Legislation

47. A contravention of section 6, 14, 18 (2), 22, 35 (2) or 45.29 to 45.33 of this regulation may be the subject of a complaint under section 74 of the Act.

Policy Interpretation

This section identifies the sections of the Regulation under which any person may make a complaint under s.74 of the Act. The provisions are:

Section 6. Duties of farm labour contractors

Section 14. Maximum room and board rates for domestics

Section 18(2) Farm labour contractors – display of notice

Section 21. Repealed

Section 22. Rest periods for residential care workers

Section 23. Repealed

Section 35(2) Resident caretakers – display of notice of hours of work

Section 45.27. Definitions for Part

Section 45.28. Employer may require worker to pay specified costs

Section 45.29. Distance expense allowance

Section 45.30. Information to be provided in relation to platform work offer

Section 45.31. Wage statement must be given by employer

Section 45.32. Standards respecting temporary removal of ability to accept platform work offers

Section 45.33. Written reasons respecting permanent removal of access to online platform

When a complaint is made under s.74 of the Act, the Director must proceed with a review under s.76 of the Act.

Where it is found that there has been a contravention of a section of this Regulation, a determination may be issued under s.79 of the Act. When a determination is issued under s.79 an escalating monetary penalty will apply, subject to s.98 of the Act and s.29 of the Regulation.

Refer to s.74 of the Act for information on complaint filing time limits.

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Related sections of the Act or Regulation


