More than 1,900 active dams in B.C. are regulated under the Water Sustainability Act. Regulated dams require a water licence issued under the Act and must meet the requirements specified in the Dam Safety Regulation.
There are procedures and practices that are important to know if you're involved in the management, design, construction, rehabilitation, decommissioning or removal of dams in B.C.
The Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia recently undertook an audit of the provincial dam safety program with the objective to determine if the B.C. government has effectively overseen the safety of dams in B.C. The audit procedures included analysis of the ministry’s databases, review of a statistical sample of dam files, review of selected files by an independent subject matter expert, analysis of key documentation, and interviews with:
To learn about the audit findings, please visit the Office of the Auditor General's website.
The B.C. Dam Safety Program would like to remind dam owners of their responsibilities under the Water Sustainability Act and Dam Safety Regulation. The documents below have been developed to assist dam owners in ensuring they are fully aware of their responsibilities as well as the liabilities that are associated with dam ownership.
If you have questions, please email or contact your Dam Safety Officer.
Dam owners are responsible for routine inspections and the safe operation and maintenance of their dams. This is especially important in preparation for the upcoming spring freshet.
Dam owners are urged to:
Dam owners can also refer to the River Forecast Centre for seasonal runoff forecasts in the latest Snow Survey and Water Supply Bulletin, and any flood advisories applicable to their areas.
In the dam emergency such as overtopping and/or imminent structural failure, it should first be reported to Emergency Management BC at 1-800-663-3456.
Find a dam in B.C. regulated by the B.C. Dam Safety Program using the iMapBC map application. For users who are new to iMapBC, follow the Instructions to Locate a Dam and Obtain Detailed Dam Information (PDF, 1.3MB).
For detailed public information about all dams registered with the B.C. Dam Safety Program, use the BC Data Catalogue. For users who are new to the BC Data Catalogue, follow the Instructions to Download a Dataset of B.C. Dams (PDF, 1.3MB).
There are many structures across B.C. that retain water but do not require a licence under the Water Sustainability Act. These structures are not regulated under the B.C. Dam Safety Regulation. These structures are therefore not shown in iMapBC or in the BC Data Catalogue with other regulated structures. Examples of these types of structures include tailings storage dams, mine sediment ponds, sewage lagoons, industrial processing ponds and debris catchment barriers.
Dams on a mine site that require a water licence may be regulated under the Water Sustainability Act and Dam Safety Regulation. Further information on regulatory authority on a mine site can be found within the Memorandum of Understanding (PDF, 2.7MB) between the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Ministry of Environment. Other Acts and guidance for dams on a mine site includes:
A Water Sustainability Act authorization is required if any of the water in a dugout is groundwater from an aquifer (including seepage), or water from a “stream” as defined in the Act (which includes a lake, pond, river, creek, spring or other natural watercourse). The requirement for an authorization applies regardless of whether the source of the water, or the dugout, is located on Crown land or private land.
Dam Safety Regulation requirements may apply if a dugout includes an artificial barrier or embankment that was constructed to retain water.
The report, Managing Dugouts in Northeastern British Columbia (PDF, 1.1MB), identifies and explores the many policy issues associated with dugouts in northeast B.C. It was commissioned to support the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development’s efforts to clarify the regulatory regime for dugouts, and ensure landowners and proponents understand authorizations for dugouts required under the Water Sustainability Act. In summer 2017, ministry staff conducted field assessments on high priority dugouts and dams in the northeast to ensure existing structures are appropriately licensed, do not cause any public safety concerns and are not damaging the environment or water quality. The field assessments did not find any serious public safety issues and relatively few environmental hazards. The fact sheet details actions the ministry and OGC have taken in addressing the report’s 27 recommendations.