Information for property owners

Last updated on January 30, 2024

If you own or plan to purchase property that uses a well to supply groundwater for any purpose, you need to know the general requirements for construction, care and upkeep of your well.

Plan and construct your well

Planning the construction of your water well and hiring a registered well driller can help you save time and money, and protect your drinking water and the groundwater supply from pollution.

Installing a well pump

Once your well is constructed, hire a registered well pump installer to complete the job.

Care for and maintain your water supply well

As the well owner, you are responsible for the water quality from your well, therefore it is important to properly care for and maintain your well.

Water well contamination after flooding

The Province is advising residents that water wells in flooded areas of B.C. may be at risk of contamination.

Well records and registration

Groundwater for domestic use doesn't need a licence, but if you are a domestic well owner you are strongly encouraged to register your well.

Registering your well creates a record of your water use, which makes sure that your use is considered in decisions for new authorizations and during times of water scarcity. Contact FrontCounter BC to see if your well record already exists in the provincial database. If no record exists, complete a well registration form and email it to or mail to the address on the form.

If you have an existing well for non-domestic groundwater use, as of February 29, 2016 you must have a water licence to continue using groundwater. Your well will be registered automatically through the licensing process.

Buying or selling property that has a water well

If you are selling property with a water well on it, you are strongly encouraged to disclose any information that you have about the construction, maintenance, yield and water quality of the well. If you are purchasing property that has a water well, learn as much as you can about the well before finalizing the purchase.

How to find a septic tank

It is important to ensure proper sewerage system design (septic tank and drain field), installation, operation and maintenance to minimize the risk of harmful biological organisms reaching an aquifer or water supply well.

Get Help Constructing or Altering a Well

Find a registered well driller or registered well pump installer using the Groundwater Wells and Aquifers Register search page.