Old Growth Forest Value

Last updated on August 27, 2024

The Interim Assessment Protocol for Old Growth Forest in British Columbia describes the procedures for two components used in the assessment. One is an assessment of the amount of old forest or old and mature forest relative to established legal and policy targets. The other assesses the amount of incursions into old growth management areas (OGMAs), relative to the established limits of incursion.

The procedures described in the protocol are performance-based assessments of management risk (the risk that the Province is not meeting its stated objectives for old growth forest retention). These assessments complement the forest biodiversity assessments of ecological risks associated with current and future projected seral stage distribution, including old and mature forest. 

Modifications to this protocol or alternate assessment methods may also be used to generate cumulative effects assessment reports for old growth forest.

To learn more about the old growth forest value and how it is assessed under the CEF, read the Old Growth Forest Infographic (PDF, 1MB).


Old Growth Forest Backgrounders & Infographic

To support further understanding of the Old Growth Forest value, two backgrounder documents are available:

  • Old Growth Forests in British Columbia- Cumulative Effects Assessment Backgrounder (PDF, 5.6 MB)
    • This document provides information and context about the old growth forest current condition assessment and current condition reports released under the provincial CEF. It also provides a background on old growth forests as a CEF value and how cumulative effects may impact them, the key elements of the old growth forest provincial CEF value assessment methodology (including the assumptions and limitations), and provides a summary of data inputs used in the CEF value assessment.
  • Old Growth Forest Infographic (PDF, 1 MB)
    • This document provides high-level information on the old growth forest value and how it is assessed under the CEF. 

Assessment Reports

Current Condition Reports and Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management Reports produced under the Cumulative Effects Framework aim to provide decision-support for the management of old growth forests in British Columbia. Reports will be provided here as they become available.

Thompson-Okanagan Region:

Omineca Region:

West Coast Region:

South Coast Region:

Kootenay-Boundary Region:


Rationale for Selection as a Cumulative Effects Framework Value

Old growth forests have ecological, economic, social and cultural value to the people of British Columbia. Old growth forests are important to First Nations, both spiritually and for ongoing traditional resource use. Their importance is reflected in provincial legislation, regulations and policies.

Legal objectives for old growth forest retention have been established for forested Crown land throughout B.C., either spatially defined in old growth management areas (OGMAs), or through non-spatial landscape level targets applied within forest stewardship plans. Legal objectives vary across regions, with differences in the age-based definitions of old growth forest, the age, amount to retain (e.g. targets) and analysis units. As a result, tracking the achievement of old growth forest objectives across the province is complicated.