
Last updated on February 17, 2017

Understanding climate change impacts on British Columbia's natural resources is necessary to ensure forests remain productive and ecosystems remain resilient. This includes understanding:

  • How forests and ecosystems are changing
  • How forests and ecosystems will change in a changing climate
  • How natural resource management can be adapted to succeed in a changing climate

Regional Climate Summaries

Regional climate summaries from the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) describe climate change projections and anticipated impacts for each natural resource region in B.C.:

This technical report summarizes climatic changes to date and future projections for natural resource districts and regions in the northern B.C.:

Regional Extension Notes

Adapting Natural Resource Management to Climate Change regional extension notes include climate change projections for the region, projected impacts of climate change to ecosystems, and adaptation strategies for natural resource management.


This scoping study assesses the needs, information gaps, and priority options to better support surface water allocation decisions in the context of climate change:

The intention in this paper is to make a first step towards an explicit framework for managing under uncertainty for natural resource management in B.C.:

Small climatic changes can promote large responses by insects. Learn more about climate change and insect population dynamics:

Climate change applied science research provides a wide array of scientific reports on climate change and natural resource management. These include reports that have been produced through the Future Forest Ecosystems Initiative, under the guidance of the Future Forest Ecosystems Scientific Council.

Workshops & Seminars 

Government offers workshops and seminars on a periodic basis.


CCFM Climate Change

The Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) collaborated through their Climate Change Task Force to address key climate change adaptation issues for forest management.

Climate Change & Cumulative Effects

Learn more about climate change’s impacts on the forest industry, biodiversity and ecosystem resilience, along with its cumulative effects with industrial development:

FORREX Decision Support Framework

The Forum for Research & Extension in Natural Resources (FORREX) developed a Decision Support Framework to assist in land management and climate change adaptation strategies.