Invasive fungus and disease

Last updated on April 22, 2024

Invasive fungi are from another area and are transported, or migrate due to climate change, beyond their natural range. They may establish in a new area where they harm human health, native ecosystems and the local economy if they are not detected early, identified and managed.

There are 5 priority categories for fungi and disease which determine the province's response. 

  1. Prevent
  2. Early detection and rapid response (EDRR)
  3. Provincial Containment
  4. Regional containment/control
  5. Management

The fungi and diseases on this page are organized into these categories. 


Species determined to be high risk to B.C. and not yet established. Management objective is prevent the introduction and establishment.

Provincial containment

Species is high risk with limited extent in B.C. but significant potential to spread. Management objective is to prevent further expansion into new areas with the ultimate goal of reducing the overall extent.

Death cap mushroom (PDF, 595KB)
Amanita phalloides




Report sightings
Image of young and fully expanded death cap mushrooms showing range of colour and form.

Report invasive species before they cause harm.


Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about invasive plants.