Provincial Moose Research Project

Last updated on September 21, 2023

The Provincial Moose Research Project evaluates the effect of landscape change on adult female moose survival and population change. It also includes monitoring calf moose survival. Researchers capture individual moose to deploy a GPS radio-collar and collect health samples. Each animal is then monitored for survival and how they are using the land.  


Completed Projects


Complimentary Projects

Additional projects are being conducted by the Province to assess nutrition and assist in interpreting the causes of poor body condition of cows on moose populations. Current research projects include:

  • Assessment of moose forage quality: effects of harvesting, season and exposure on nitrogen, digestible protein and tannin levels in preferred moose browse
  • Habitat supply and ungulate winter range: identifying and protecting critical winter habitat
  • Herbicide and moose forage analysis: investigating the effects of forest herbicide applications on quality of browse
  • Fertilizer and moose forage analysis: investigating the quality of winter forage in fertilized and unfertilized stands
  • Heat stress: investigating the intensity and timing of heat stress under various forest stand types
  • Pellet analysis: investigating the constituents of moose pellets to infer forage and habitat quality


Moose in BC: What's driving the declines?