Administrative sanctions are any suspension, restriction, cancellation or revocation of an authorization (e.g. approvals, licences, permits, registrations, etc.) for non-compliance with requirements.
They can vary in degree, depending on the level of actual or potential impact to the environment, human health or safety as well as the compliance history of the party. Administrative sanctions are most appropriate in response to non-compliant parties with a poor compliance history who are undertaking regulated activities, such as hunting, pesticide application, or waste discharges.
Use the drop down windows below to learn more about key types of administrative sanctions reported in the Natural Resource Compliance and Enforcement Database:
Environmental Management Act
Waste management permits or approvals may be suspended or cancelled under section 18 of the Environmental Management Act (EMA). A number of circumstances could lead to an administrative sanction under EMA, including failure to comply with regulatory requirements, failure to pay money owed to government, or for providing misinformation in respect to the permit or approval. Permits or approvals that are suspended or cancelled under EMA are not valid, and the regulated activities or actions may be required to cease.
Integrated Pest Management Act
Pest management licences, certificates or permits may be suspended or revoked under section 15 of the Integrated Pest Management Act (IPMA). Sanctions may be imposed for non-compliance with regulatory requirements, and in response to the use, handling, release, transport, storage, disposal, or sale of pesticides that is causing or is likely to cause adverse effects. The regulated party may be restricted from applying for a new licence, certificate or permit for a specified length of time.
Wildlife Act
Hunting and angling licences or authorizations may be suspended or cancelled under sections 24, 61 and 85 of the Wildlife Act. Under section 24, licences may be suspended or cancelled by a director for contravention of the Wildlife or Firearms Acts. Guide outfitters licences may be suspended, altered, or cancelled under section 61 by regional managers for failing to comply with regulatory requirements. Under section 85, hunting and angling licences are immediately and automatically cancelled if a person fails to pay a fine that is imposed under the Wildlife or Firearm Acts, including violations tickets and court fines.