Licensed child care facility inspection reports

Last updated on September 5, 2024

All licensed child care programs must follow the Child Care Licensing Regulation and Standards of Practice which set the requirements for health and safety, staff qualifications and ratio and policies and procedures.

Child care facilities are licensed through their local health authority. 

If you are looking for a specific child care facility and could not find it on the Child Care Map, it may be due to the following:

  • They may not be required to be licensed as only 1 or 2 children are receiving care
  • They do not receive the Child Care Operating Funding
  • They may be operating, in contravention of the Community Care and Assisted Living Act, without a licence when one is required

You can search your local health authority inspection web page below. Here, you can view summary reports of inspections and substantiated complaints.  

Inspection reports will not:

  • Recommend a facility to you
  • Rank or rate facilities against one another
  • Issue a report card that grades facilities
  • Provide personal information about children in care

It is important not to draw conclusions about the quality of a facility based only on the information contained in the inspection report. Before making a decision about the quality and suitability of a facility, take time to conduct additional research and visit the facility.

Licensed facilities will typically receive a routine compliance inspection every 12 to 18 months, unless more frequent inspections are needed.