Upon completion of a contract, the contract manager initiates a post‑contract evaluation, to provide documentation of the service provider’s performance and to assist in future planning and contracts. A post-contract evaluation is required on every contract over $50,000. (See: CPPM 6.3.6.c.3)
A post contract evaluation is performed when a contract term ends. This means the post-contract evaluation should occur even when the services are still required and a new contract is being awarded to the same supplier.
An evaluation determines:
The evaluation is a synopsis of all of the contract administration and monitoring that has occurred over the entire contract term. Post-contract evaluations are not intended to replace contract monitoring throughout the contract term; for more information, see Contract Monitoring. Post-contract evaluation is one of the best ways to improve government effectiveness. It is important to allow candid and frank discussion about the pros and cons of the contract experience.
NOTE: A post contract evaluation is performed when a contract term ends. This means the post-contract evaluation should occur even when the services are still required and a new contract is being awarded to the same supplier.