MCFD Transformation

Last updated on March 7, 2025

We understand the importance of achieving improved outcomes for this generation of children, youth and families in B.C., and that's why the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) is focused on transforming the child and family services system. In doing so, we will listen to and incorporate input from those we work with and those we serve - Indigenous and non-Indigenous children, youth and families.  We commit to ongoing collaboration, cooperation and consultation with families, Indigenous rights holders and partners, front-line staff, Indigenous Child and Family Service Agencies, service providers, sector partners, and others who work so hard to support children, youth and families in British Columbia.

The Declaration Act aims to create a path forward that includes better transparency and predictability in the work we do together, ensuring the rights and well-being of Indigenous peoples, children, youth and families are upheld. A Letter of Commitment (PDF) to the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC), which confirms the Ministry's responsibilities in our collaborative work with the FNLC and Indigenous governments to transform child and family services and systems. See supporting infographic

Priority Initiatives

Below you will find an overview of the key strategies we are focused on to achieve the goals of our MCFD 2024/25 - 2026/27 Service Plan.

This is not all of the work in the Ministry. We acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of front-line ministry staff, Indigenous Child and Family Services Agencies, and our valued partners who work so hard to support the children, youth and families we serve.

Indigenous Reconciliation: Addressing the over-representation of the child and family services system in the lives of Indigenous children and youth and upholding Indigenous people’s inherent rights to exercise jurisdiction over child and family services.

Prevention and Family Supports: A focus on early and ongoing support— prioritizing keeping families safely together.

Youth and Young Adult Transitions: Ensuring that youth and young adults transitioning to adulthood from government care have the tools, resources, and social supports to transition successfully to adulthood and adult services.

Network of Care: Ensuring that the services and supports provided in the network of care are driven by a child or youth’s needs.

Progress on Supporting Services

Below you will find an overview of the supporting services we are focused on to achieve the goals of our Service Plan. As we move forward with changes we will seek input.

Changes to Policy, Practice, Regulation and Legislation

The ministry regularly makes focused changes to specific policies, practices, regulation and/or legislation. Public and partner input is an important part of our development on process. Here is one example of where we provide opportunities for Indigenous engagement. As we move forward with changes we will seek input. Here is one example of where we provide opportunities for engagement.