Wills and Estate Planning

Last updated on March 3, 2025

Making a Will

Making a will is an important part of planning for your family’s future. If you die without a will, your property will be divided according to B.C. law, and the costs to administer your estate will increase. You’ll also be giving up the right to appoint the guardian of your choice for any children in your care.

To learn more, read:

Although you can use a kit to write your own will, it’s a good idea to get help from a lawyer or notary public to make sure your will is legal. If your will isn’t considered legal, it can create a lot of problems for your heirs.

For information about wills and estates for First Nations people, please read:

Living Wills, Advance Directives, and Representation Agreements

Although B.C. doesn’t use “living wills,” advance directives and substitute decision-making agreements like representation agreements can serve a similar purpose. In a medical crisis, these documents will allow the person of your choice to make important health care decisions for you, if you’re not able to make those decisions yourself.

To learn more, see our pages on:

If you don’t have a representation agreement or advance directive for health care decisions, the law may allow family members or the Public Guardian and Trustee to make decisions on your behalf.

Being an Executor

Being the executor of someone else’s estate can be a complex and daunting responsibility. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) offers information for Executors, including “What to do following a death” and “Preparing returns for deceased persons.”

CRA also provides online forms related to estate matters like RRSPs, property, tax deferments, and deductible funeral expenses. These forms may have to be included when filing an individual’s final tax return.

For a list of all CRA executor information, see:

After a Death

This website supports people who are dealing with a death. Topics include; First Steps, Get Support, Plan a Funeral or Memorial, Wills and Estates, and Who to Notify.


Related Information

Wills and estate planning cover a wide range of financial and legal issues. For more information, see our pages on: