Initiatives, plans and strategies

Learn how B.C. government initiatives, strategies and plans support the B.C. Budget to help improve affordability, government services, and the economy.

Services and information topics


B.C. government initiatives outline how the government will achieve important citizen outcomes.



B.C. government strategies to achieve key missions.


B.C. government plans outline how government will achieve its goals.

Better Regulations

B.C. is committed to better, smarter regulations and services that promote economic growth, innovation, and inclusion.

Accessibility Directorate

The Accessibility Directorate focuses on improving accessibility for people with disabilities. Located within the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, the directorate works across government and with the disability and business communities.

Open Government

The B.C. Government is changing how it interacts with B.C. citizens. We are committed to publishing government data and information and we are working hard to improve your online interactions with government.

Poverty reduction strategy

British Columbia’s updated Poverty Reduction Strategy (PDF, 3.1MB) sets a path to reduce overall poverty by 60%. The strategy also sets a road map to reduce child poverty by 75%, and, for the first time, seniors’ poverty by 50% by 2034.