B.C. government initiatives outline how the government will achieve important citizen outcomes.
The BC Public Service is creating modern teams and using technology to achieve the next phase of digital transformation in government.
We’re committed to improving access to services for people with disabilities. We work with the disability and business communities to make B.C. a truly inclusive province.
The B.C. government is modernizing and transforming justice services in a way that meets the needs of British Columbians. In particular, it is aiming to create a transparent justice system capable of delivering timely, well-balanced services.
LeanBC helps develop a culture of continuous improvement in the BC Public Service.
The B.C. government is making changes to local elections legislation that governs elections for municipal offices (mayor and councilors), electoral area directors, some park boards, the Islands Trust, and Boards of Education.
The B.C. Government is changing how it interacts with B.C. citizens. We are committed to publishing government data and information and we are working hard to improve your online interactions with government.
The Regulatory Reform Initiative promotes clear, simple regulations and policy to make it easier for you to deal with government.
Learn more about how government is simplifying regulations and policy
Standing Against Violence is a report by Parliamentary Secretary for Corrections, Laurie Thrones. It makes 20 recommendations to improve staff and inmate safety in B.C.'s corrections system.
Read 20 recommendations on improving staff and inmate safety
This strategy establishes a vision for collective action and sets a direction for change in pursuing shared goals of preventing violence before it starts, responding effectively when it happens, and helping to rebuild from its impacts.
Explore initiatives to make life more affordable, deliver better services, and invest in a sustainable economy.
This is a forum for senior government officials and community social service agencies to work together to address issues and to ensure coordinated social services delivery.
Why? B.C.’s vision statements provide an aspiration of what we could become in a future state.
What? B.C.’s mission statements declare the core purpose and focus of a group to serve a stated vision.
How? B.C.’s goals state the outcomes set by a group in order to achieve its mission.