Example draft proclamation

Last updated on February 24, 2025

Please review the proclamation submission guidelines before requesting a proclamation. Your submission should include a draft proclamation, which is 3–5 sentences for the “Whereas” clauses of the proclamation.

Draft proclamation outline

The draft proclamation included with your submission should be no longer than 3 to 5 complete sentences. It should generally follow this outline:

Sentence 1

Briefly introduce the topic of the proclamation.

Sentence 2

Include a simple statement to express appreciation, acknowledgement or support for the topic or people who are affected by the topic, preferably showing general relevance to British Columbia.

Optional Sentence

Briefly state how this topic is supported or celebrated, preferably showing general relevance to British Columbia.

Closing Sentence

Include as your closing sentence:

[Proclamation Title] is an opportunity to raise awareness or show support for the topic in British Columbia.

Review your draft proclamation to ensure the proposed wording meets all proclamation submission guidelines.

Example Proclamations

The following are some examples of best practices in BC proclamations that were proclaimed in 2024.

Proclamations on health-related topics

(Reviewed by the Ministry of Health)

Proclamations on other topics

(Reviewed by ministries other than the Ministry of Health)

Contact us

Email BCProclamations@gov.bc.ca for more information, to submit a proclamation request or for updates on the status of your request.