Certain property development types are exempted by legislation from development cost charges. Municipalities and regional districts may choose to exempt certain types of development from charges through the adoption of a bylaw.
All development within the geographic area affected by a development cost charge bylaw is liable for the charge unless exempted by statute. Such exemptions include:
In addition, subject to a development cost charge bylaw or regulation, a development cost charge is not payable in relation to a development that is for one of the following, a:
Local governments may, in a development cost charge bylaw, provide that a development cost charge is payable for developments containing fewer that four self-contained residential units, or establish an area greater than 29 square metres, or an amount greater than $50,000 in which development cost charges will be applied.
Local governments can also choose to waive or reduce charges for certain types of developments, including:
A bylaw must be adopted that further defines the categories of eligible development and specifies the degree to which the charges will be waived or exempted.
Contact us if you have questions about development cost charge exemptions.