The Community to Community Program helps local governments and First Nations connect and build relationships.
The Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs (MUNI) supports the Community to Community Program through funds provided to the Union of BC Municipalities, which in turn administers the program with the support of the First Nations Summit. The program is also supported by federal funding which typically matches the provincial contribution.
This funding helps neighbouring local governments and First Nations develop relationships by jointly hosting forums to discuss common issues, challenges and mutual opportunities for the benefit of their communities. More specifically it can also help in the development of agreements (such as protocols, MOUs, and service agreements, plans and strategies), and the joint review of bylaws and/or policies.
The Union of BC Municipalities and the First Nations Summit have convened Province-wide events, open to all local governments and First Nations to attend to discuss shared experiences and best practices. By building relationships, local governments and First Nations can work together on mutual interests, provide or share services, and explore partnering opportunities on economic and community development projects.
Since 1999, nearly 700 events have been held across B.C. Many forums have led to memorandums of understanding, protocol agreements and service agreements between local governments and First Nations. As well as improving relationships and helping build stronger understanding between communities, the forums also help support reconciliation.
Generally, the Union of BC Municipalities accepts applications from local governments and First Nations twice a year.
Contact the Union of BC Municipalities for more information about the Community to Community Forum program.