Municipalities and regional districts have the authority to conduct special meetings. A special meeting is a council or board meeting other than a regular or statutory meeting.
In general, municipal councils and regional district boards conduct their business during regularly scheduled meetings. However, there will be occasions when a council or board needs to call a special meeting, for example:
A municipal council special meeting may be called by:
Municipal staff members are required to post a notice of every special council meeting, including the date, time and place and purpose of the meeting, unless council unanimously votes to not provide notice. The notice must be posted at the regular council meeting place, the public notice posting places, and sent to each council member.
A special regional district board meeting must be called by the corporate officer at the request of the board chair or any two directors. Board staff members are required to post a notice of every special board meeting, including the date, time and place and purpose of the meeting, unless the board unanimously votes to not provide notice. The notice must be posted at the regular board meeting place, the public notice posting places, and sent to each board member.
In general, municipal councils and regional district boards conduct their business during regularly scheduled meetings.
Sometimes a council or board may need to call a special meeting. In cases where in-person attendance is not possible, the council or board could choose to hold the special meeting electronically if their procedure bylaw authorizes it.
Contact us if you have questions about conducting special meetings.