Local government planning establishes land use patterns, which are implemented through land use regulation. Local governments may also acquire or dispose of property and assets, such as parkland, water systems, highways and utilities.
Local government planning establishes land use patterns that can last for hundreds of years. Regional growth strategies and official community plans are some of tools used by municipalities and regional districts when planning their communities.​​
Local government land use is regulated by zoning and other bylaws (run-off control, flood plain bylaws, parking and loading, regulation of signs, and screening and landscaping) and agreements (phased development agreements and housing agreements).
Local government land use regulations, including zoning and other bylaws (for example, parking and loading, sign and screening and landscaping bylaws) enable local governments to implement the long-term vision described in their regional growth strategies, official community plans or other planning tools.
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs initiated the development approvals process review (DAPR) initiative in 2019 to support local governments in improving development and construction approval processes and timelines and in accelerating the construction of homes in B.C. communities.
Municipalities and regional districts have the authority to both acquire and dispose of property, including land, buildings, infrastructure, vehicles, and equipment. In some cases, this broad authority is subject to specific legislative restrictions.
Physical assets include property owned and controlled by a local government such as recreation centres, sewage treatment plants, emergency vehicles, parks, and municipal roads.
Contact us if you have questions about local government planning, land use and property.