Acts & Regulations

Last updated on September 11, 2024



























Frequently Used Legislation



Director's right to information  






When Protection is needed  
Duty to report need for protection  
Director’s right to information  
Powers of Investigation  
Control of disposition of human remains or cremated remains  



Eligibility of family unit  
Income assistance and supplements  
Hardship assistance  
Financial assistance to service or program providers  
Employment-related programs  
Requirement for 2 years employment  
Employment plan  
Information and verification  
Reporting obligations  
Consequences of not meeting employment-related obligations  
Consequences of not accepting or disposing of property  
Consequences for providing inaccurate or incomplete information  
Consequences in relation to outstanding arrest warrants  
Applying periods of ineligibility and reduction  
Reconsideration and appeal rights  
No appeal from decision based on same circumstances  
Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal  
Powers and duties of the chair  
Commencing an appeal  
Panels of the tribunal to conduct Appeal  
Dismissal of appeal  
Decision of panel  
Vexatious proceedings  
Liability for and recovery of debts under Act  
Agreements (2)(a), Agreements with the Government of Canada relating to social programs  
Delegation of minister’s powers and duties  
Power to make regulations  
Regulations respecting eligibility and assignment of maintenance rights  
Assignment of maintenance rights deemed made under this Act  
Transitional – Appeal  
Transitional appeal board  


Persons with disabilities  
Eligibility of family unit  
Disability assistance and supplements  
Hardship assistance  
Financial assistance to service or program providers  
Employment-related programs and other programs  
Employment plan  
Information and verification  
Reporting obligations  
Consequences of not meeting employment-related obligations  
Consequences of not accepting or disposing of property  
Consequences for providing inaccurate or incomplete information  
Consequences in relation to outstanding arrest warrants  
Reconsideration and appeal rights  
No appeal from decision based on same circumstances  
Liability for and recovery of, debts under the Act  
Agreements (2)(a), Agreements with the Government of Canada relating to social programs  
Delegation of minister’s powers and duties  
Power to make regulations  
Regulations respecting eligibility and assignment of maintenance rights  
Assignment of maintenance rights deemed made under this Act  
Transitional – Appeal  


Persons who have persistent multiple barriers to employment  
Process for assessment of eligibility for income assistance   
Application for income assistance – Stage 1  
Application for income assistance – Stage 2  
Application for income assistance – Stage 2
(3)(a), Identification requirements
Alternate application for income assistance  
Applicant requirements  
Citizenship requirements  
Effect of applying for other sources of income  
Requirement to apply for Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits  
Limits on income  
Asset limits  
Asset development accounts  
Assets held in trust for persons receiving special care  
Temporary exemption of assets for person applying for disability designation or receiving special care  

Effect of being in prison or other lawful place of confinement

Effect of family unit including a full-time student  
Effect of recipients being absent from BC for more than 30 days  
Definitions for division  
Assignment of maintenance rights  
Notice of assignment  
Effective date of eligibility  
Effective date of eligibility
(3) and (4), Effective date for higher support rate
Amount of income assistance  
Consequences of failing to meet employment-related obligations  
Consequences of failing to meet employment-related obligations; (4), Applicants and recipients who are not affected by these consequences  
Consequences if dependent youth fails to enter into or comply with employment plan  
Effect of failing to pursue or accept income or assets or of disposing of assets; (1) and (2), Consequences of failing to pursue or accept income  
Effect of failing to pursue or accept income or assets or of disposing of assets; (3), (4), and (5), Consequences of failing to pursue or accept assets  
Consequences for providing inaccurate or incomplete information  
Monthly reporting requirement  
Requirement for eligibility audit  
Consequences in relation to outstanding arrest warrants  
Hardship assistance – eligibility and limitations  
Rules about applications, payments, etc.  
Applicants who do not meet requirement for social insurance number or proof of identity  
Applicants who fail to provide sponsorship information  
Applicants who have applied for income from another source  
Family units that have excess income  
Applicant on strike or locked out  
Family units that have excess assets  
Applicants who do not meet work search requirements  
Applicants fleeing armed conflict aboard   
Supplement for purchase of co-op housing shares  
Confirmed job supplement  
Pre-natal shelter supplement  
Winter supplement  
Clothing supplement for people in special care facilities  
Transportation to special care facilities supplement  
Reconsideration or appeal supplement  
Supplements for moving, transportation, and living costs  
Supplement to pay a security deposit  
Supplement to pay a utility security deposit.  

Supplement to pay a pet damage deposit

Crisis supplement  
Advance for lost or stolen family bonus cheque  
Advance for lost or stolen child benefits cheque – Canada child benefit  
Supplement delayed, suspended or cancelled family bonus  
Supplement for delayed, suspended or cancelled Canada child benefit  
Guide dog or service dog supplement  
School start-up supplement  
Supplement to obtain proof of identity  
Burial or cremation supplements  
Bus pass supplement  
Access to medical services only  
Access to transitional health supplements  
General health supplements  
Optical supplements  
Eye examination supplements  
Dental supplements  
Crown and bridgework supplement  
Denture supplements  
Emergency dental and denture supplements  
Orthodontic supplement  
Dental and optical services– healthy kids program  

Hearing instrument supplement - healthy kids program

Diet supplement  
Nutritional supplement – short term  
Infant formula supplement  
Tube feed nutritional supplement  
Natal supplement  
Health supplement for persons facing life threatening health need  
Supplement for alcohol and drug treatment  
Alternative hearing assistance supplement  
Alternative hearing assistance supplement – healthy kids program  
Eligibility for self-employment program  
Business plan  
Monthly report  
Supplement to prevent undue hardship while dealing with outstanding arrest warrant  
Transportation supplement (outstanding arrest warrants)  
Definitions for Part  
How a request to reconsider a decision is made  
Time limit for reconsidering decision  
Decisions that may not be appealed  
Prescribed qualifications for members, vice-chairs and the chair of the tribunal  
Rate of remuneration  
Commencing an appeal  
Time period for scheduled and conducting hearing  
Notice of determinations and reasons  
Deductions for debts owed  
Exemptions from minimum deductions  
How assistance is provided  
Replacement of lost or stolen assistance cheque  
Transition in respect of the change to asset limits  
Income Assistance Rates  
Income Assistance Rates; 
Section 2, Monthly support allowance; 
Section 4, Monthly shelter allowance; 
Section 5, How shelter rates are calculated; 
Section 8, People receiving special care
Income Assistance Rates;
     Section 2, Monthly support allowance
     Section 4, Monthly shelter allowance
Income Assistance Rates; 
     Section 2, Monthly support allowance; 
     (2)-(5), Calculation of monthly support allowance 
Income assistance rates;
     Section 4, Monthly shelter allowance
Income Assistance Rates;
     Section 8, People receiving special care
Net Income Calculation
Section 1, Deduction and Exemption Rules
Net Income Calculation
Section 1, Deduction and exemption rules, (a)(xxv)
Section 4, Small business exemption
Section 5, Withdrawals and expenditures from reserve account

Net Income Calculation
Section 10, Backdated family bonus treated as unearned income

Health Supplements  
Health Supplements;
     Section 1, Definitions; 
     Section 2.1, Optical supplements;
     Section 2,2, Eye examination supplements
Health Supplements; Section 2, General health supplements;
     (1) (c), Extended medical therapies;
     (2), Maximums for extended medical therapies;
     (3), Clients approved for a supplement under BC Benefits legislation
Health Supplements; 
     Section 1, Definitions; 
     Section 4, Dental supplements; 
     Section 4.1, Crown and bridgework supplement; 
     Section 5, Denture supplements; 
     Section 6, Emergency dental supplements; 
     Section 7, Dental and optical services – healthy kids program
Health Supplements; 
     Section 2, General health supplements; 
          (1) (a), Medical supplies
Health Supplements; 
     Section 2, General health supplements; 
          (1)(f), Medical transportation
Health Supplements; 
     Section 3, Medical equipment and devices
Health supplements; 
     Section 3, Medical equipment and devices; 
     Section 3.11, Hearing instruments
Health Supplements; 
     Section 3.9, Medical equipment and devices - breathing devices
Health Supplements; 
     Section 3.10, Medical equipment and devices - orthoses
Health supplements; 
     Section 7, Dental and optical services – healthy kids program
Health supplements; 
     Section 7.1, Hearing instruments – healthy kids program
Health supplements;
     Section 8, Diet supplements
Health supplements; 
     Section 9, Natal supplements
Health supplements;
     Section 10, Infant formula

Health Supplements;
Section 11, Alternative hearing assistance supplement

Hardship assistance  
Hardship Assistance;
​Section 6, Exempt Income and Assets
Employability Screen  
Burial and Cremation Costs  


Daily living activities  
Prescribed professional  

Alternate grounds for designation under section 2 of the Act

Process for assessment of eligibility for disability assistance  
Application for disability assistance – Stage 1   
Section 4.2, Application for disability assistance – Stage 2
(3)(a), Identification requirements
Alternate application for disability assistance  
Citizenship requirements  
Effect of applying for other sources of income  
Requirement to apply for Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits  
Limits on income  
Asset limits  
Asset limits; (1)(x), asset exemptions for approved recipients operating a self-employment business  
Asset limits, 10 (2)  
Asset development accounts  
Assets held in trust for persons with disabilities  
Temporary exemption of assets for person applying for disability designation or receiving special care  

Effect of being in prison or other lawful place of confinement

Effect of recipients being absent from BC for more than 30 days  
Definitions for division  
Assignment of maintenance rights  
Notice of assignment  
Effective date of eligibility  
Amount of disability assistance   
Consequences of failing to meet employment-related obligations  
Consequences of not meeting employment-related obligations; 
     (4), Recipients with no employment obligations
Consequences if dependent youth fails to enter into or comply with employment plan  
Effect of failing to pursue or accept income or assets or of disposing of assets  
Effect of failing to pursue or accept income or assets or of disposing of assets; 
     (1) and (2), Consequences of failing to pursue or accept income
Effect of failing to pursue or accept income or assets or of disposing of assets; 
     (3), (4), and (5), Consequences of failing to pursue or accept assets
Consequences of failing to provide information or verification when directed  
Consequences for providing inaccurate or incomplete information  
Monthly reporting requirement  
Voluntary reporting  
Requirement for eligibility audit  
Consequences in relation to outstanding arrest warrants  
Hardship assistance is for one calendar month only  
Rules about applications, payments, etc.  
Applicants who do not meet requirement for social insurance number or proof of identity  
Applicants who fail to provide sponsorship information  
Family units that have excess income  
Applicant on strike or locked out  
Family units that have excess assets  
Applicants fleeing armed conflict aboard  
Supplement for purchase of co-op housing shares  
Training initiative supplement  
Bus pass supplement  
Confirmed job supplement  
Pre-natal shelter supplement  
Persons with disabilities transportation supplement  
Winter Supplement  
Clothing supplement for people in special care facilities  
Transportation to special care facilities supplement  
Reconsideration or appeal supplement  
Supplements for moving, transportation, and living costs  
Supplement to pay a security deposit  
Supplement to pay a utility security deposit.  

Supplement to pay a pet damage deposit

Crisis supplement  
Advance for lost or stolen family bonus cheque  
Advance for lost or stolen child benefits cheque – Canada child benefit

Supplement for delayed, or suspended or cancelled family bonus cheque   
Supplement for delayed, suspended or cancelled Canada child benefit  
Guide dog or service dog supplement  
School start-up supplement  
Supplement to obtain proof of identity  
Access to medical services only  
General health supplements  
Optical supplements  
Eye examination supplements   
Dental supplements  
Crown and bridgework supplement  
Denture Supplement  
Emergency dental and denture supplements  
Orthodontic supplement  
Diet supplements  
Nutritional Supplements  
Nutritional supplement – short term  
Tube feed nutritional supplement  
Infant formula supplement  
Natal supplement  
Health supplement for persons facing life threatening health need  
Supplement for alcohol and drug treatment  
Alternative hearing assistance supplement  
Business plan  
Monthly report  
Supplement to prevent undue hardship while dealing with outstanding arrest warrant  
Transportation supplement (outstanding arrest warrants)  
How a request to reconsider a decision is made  
Time limit for reconsidering decision  
Decisions that may not be appealed  
Deductions for debts owed  
Exemptions from minimum deductions  
How assistance is provided  
Replacement of lost or stolen assistance cheque  
Transition in respect of the change to asset limits  
Disability Assistance Rates  

Disability Assistance Rates;
Section 2, Monthly support allowance

Disability Assistance Rates; 
Section 2, Monthly support allowance; 
Section 4, Monthly shelter allowance; 
Section 5, How shelter rates are calculated; 
Section 8, People receiving special care
Disability Assistance Rates;
     Section 2, Monthly support allowance
     Section 4, Monthly shelter allowance
Disability Assistance Rates;
     Section 2, Monthly support allowance
          (2)-(5), Calculation of monthly support allowance
Disability Assistance Rates
     Section 4, Monthly shelter allowance
Disability Assistance Rates, 
     Section 8, People receiving special care
Net Income Calculation  
Net Income Calcuation
​Section 1, Deduction and Exemption Rules
Net Income Calculation;
Section 1, Deduction and exemption rules, (a)(xxv)
Section 4, Small business exemption
Section 5, Withdrawals and expenditures from reserve account
Net Income Calculation
Section 10, Portion of backdated family bonus treated as unearned income
Health Supplements  
Health Supplements; 
     Section 1, Definitions;
     Section 2.1 Optical supplements;
     Section 2.2, Eye examination supplements
Health Supplements; 
     Section 1, Definitions; 
Health Supplements; 
     Section 2, General health supplements 
          (1) (a), Medical supplies 
Health Supplements; 
     Section 2, General health supplements;
          (1) (c), Extended medical therapies;
          (2), Maximums for extended medical therapies;
          (3), Clients approved for a supplement under BC Benefits legislation
Health Supplements; 
     Section 2, General health supplements; 
          (1)(f), Medical transportation
Health Supplements;
     Section 3, Medical equipment and devices
Health supplements;
     Section 3, Medical equipment and devices;
     Section 3.11, Hearing instruments
Health Supplements;
     Section 3.9, Medical equipment and devices - breathing devices
Health Supplements;
     Section 3.10, Medical equipment and devices - orthoses
Health Supplements; 
     Section 4, Dental supplements; 
     Section 4.1, Crown and bridgework supplement; 
     Section 4.2, Denture supplements
     Section 5, Emergency dental supplements
Health supplements;
     Section 6, Diet supplements
Health Supplements;
     Section 7, monthly nutritional supplement
Health Supplements; 
     Section 8, Natal Supplement
Health Supplements;
     Section 9, Infant formula
Health Supplements;
Section 11, Alternative hearing assistance supplement
Hardship assistance  
Hardship Assistance,
Section 6, Exempt Income and Assets



Access to information  
Record of Payments  
(1)(c)(i), Information-sharing agreement for purposes of administering the EA Act or EAPWD Act  
Demand on third party  
Scope of this Act  
Information Rights and How to Exercise Them  
Notice to Third Parties  
Public Interest Paramount  
Protection of Privacy  
Collection, Protection and Retention of Personal Information by Public Bodies  
Use and Disclosure of Personal Information by Public Bodies  
Public Bodies  
Governing Bodies of Professions or Occupations  
Who may act for a minor  















Powers and duties of Ombudsperson in administrative matters  
Power to obtain information