The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) establishes the public's right to access government and other public sector records. Information excepted from disclosure is removed from records released through freedom of information (FOI) requests, with the exceptions noted.
Some FOI requests may require payment of a fee. Fees are charged for the following services:
Fees are not charged for:
All fees are charged in accordance with FOIPPA and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulation.
Public sector organizations may be required to provide a fee estimate for an FOI request. Use the following information to compose an estimate:
An FOI request can involve two kinds of files: regular files and mixed files. Regular files contain documents on regular letter or legal sized paper and include few staples or bound reports. Mixed files contain documents on unusually sized or weighted paper, some pages may be double-sided while others are not, and they may contain maps, plans, bound volumes or other large or unusual sources of information.
Use the following averages to estimate the work involved in retrieving a file.
One cubic foot of microfilm averages 108 rolls or 276,000 pages
One cubic foot of fiche averages 3360 images
Computer Output to Microfiche (COM) at:
24 times reduction averages 63 images
42 times reduction averages 208 images
48 times reduction averages 270 images
Aperture cards contain between one and eight images on a 35mm frame
Jackets contain between one and 75 images
A roll of 16mm comic film averages 3,000 images
A roll of 16mm cinematic film averages 2,250 images
When estimating the time required to locate and retrieve a record, consider the following tasks:
Reviewing file lists and off-site lists and generating a complete list of files
Consulting with colleagues about the content of specific files
Recalling boxes from off-site storage
Pulling paper files out of cabinets
Pulling specific paper records out of files
Reading through files to determine relevance; a typical estimate is 15 minutes per one inch file
Determining how many records might be in each file: to quickly generate an average, pull a random sample of files from all of the files you've located, determine the average number of documents in each file in the sample, use this number to generate an estimate for all of the files and add 10% as a buffer
Viewing videotapes and listening to audio tapes to determine relevancy
Searching email records and printing any of relevance
Locating and printing other digital records of relevance
Don't include the cost of retrieving boxes from off-site storage or of shipping boxes back to off-site storage. However, if records are being transported outside the lower mainland and Victoria, government contracts with the British Columbia Archives Branch may not cover the shipping fees and charges may apply.
Use either a general or specific estimate process, depending on the nature of the request and your internal standards. Don't include the cost of reviewing and removing information from the records.
Calculate the preparation costs as 1/4 of the cost of copying all required documents or as 1/2 to one minute per page.
Estimate and combine the time required to:
Estimate the cost of creating:
Include estimates for the cost of:
Don't include:
The head of a public body must release information immediately, even without a formal request for access from outside their organization, when disclosure is clearly in the public interest. Learn more in the public interest tip sheet (PDF).
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) enables the public to request and obtain copies of many of the records you create in your daily work.