2.3.2 Accession Numbers - RIM Manual

Last updated on August 21, 2024

Specifications for Assigning Accession Numbers

Records must be accessioned before they can be sent to offsite storage. GRS will assign a six-digit accession number to each body of records accepted for storage. This number is used to track storage, retrieval, disposition, and other scheduling actions conducted in relation to the records.

There are three types of accession numbers:

  1. One-time accessions that relate to only one transfer of records (the most common case)
  2. Ongoing accessions that are open-ended, allowing for multiple transfers of related records over time
  3. Multi-transfer accessions that are used for specific, time-limited projects (e.g. ongoing accessions that are to be closed when a project is completed)

One-Time Accessions

One-time accessions are used for a single transfer of records. Records may or may not be covered by an approved schedule, but scheduled and unscheduled records may not be mixed in the same accession.

Ongoing Accession Numbers

Ongoing accession numbers (OANs) are used for multiple transfers of related records over time. Record series that will be regularly transferred offsite, especially those that are high-volume with frequent transfers and are likely to be referenced for business needs, are the best candidates. Each OAN should cover only a single category of records; if multiple (related) classifications are to be included, their retention schedules and final dispositions must be the same.
Contact GRS to assess eligibility when applying for an OAN. Once approved, records may be transferred to storage using the same form (ARS653) and procedures as given above. Be certain to track the first and last box numbers of each individual transfer to avoid duplication of box numbers in subsequent transfers.

Multi-Transfer Accessions

Multi-transfer accessions are typically used for special projects with an end date, for instance when an office or function is being shut down or moved, and the related records are being closed and stored. To apply for a multi-transfer accession number, contact GRS. Once a multi-transfer accession number is assigned, records may be transferred to storage using the same form (ARS653) and procedures as given above.

Preparing an Accession for Offsite Storage

  1. Box records in accordance with the Specifications for Boxing Records. Avoid mixing SR and DE records in the same accession, as this may significantly delay the processing of DE records.
  2. Create a file list in accordance with the Specifications for Creating File Lists.
  3. Complete and submit to GRS an ARS653 Records Off-Site Transfer Request form.
  4. Work with GRS to finalize the ARS653 (or ARS645 for unscheduled records) and arrange for transfer of boxes to the storage facility.
  5. File your copies of the ARS653 form and the file lists, as well as any other relevant documentation, under ARCS 432-20.
  6. Maintain a master file list of all office files, with accession information for those stored offsite.