3. Keep or Destroy - RIM Manual

Last updated on August 21, 2024

Section 3 "Keep or Destroy" provides guidance on what ministries should do when government data and records are no longer functionally required.

Some government records are retained for specified periods of time, while others are destroyed as soon as they are superseded or obsolete. Information schedules are a vital part of determining what to keep or destroy, and when to do so. Information schedules establish categories of government information (classifications), timetables for how long to keep them (retention periods), and what will happen to the records when they are no longer needed (final disposition).

Records with enduring value for the future citizens and government of BC will be preserved and made accessible at the government archives. In some cases, information may be permanently transferred to a non-government body not covered by the Information Management Act. These transfers are known as “alienation”. 

For more information read about the components of Keep or Destroy:


Sub-Section: 3.1 Alienation

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