3.2.2 Destroy Offsite - RIM Manual

Last updated on August 21, 2024

Government Records Service (GRS) manages and authorizes the disposition process for inactive records in approved offsite storage facilities, including notifications and administration of any disposition “holds” requested by ministries and agencies. GRS assumes the costs of destroying eligible records stored in government-contracted storage facilities.

Contracted offsite records storage facilities and contracted records destruction services are responsible for destroying government records only when specifically authorized to do so, and for complying with associated specifications.

Offsite records may only be destroyed under the following conditions:

  • The records are scheduled for destruction under an approved information schedule and have reached their final disposition date,
  • GRS has notified ministries that the records are eligible for disposition (“60-day notifications”),
  • The ministry or agency has authorized removal of any “holds” that it has placed on records disposition (due to litigation or other requirements),
  • The destruction process is documented by GRS, including the authorizations and dates of destruction actions, and recorded for each specific container of records.

Specifications for GRS-Administered Destruction from Offsite Storage Facilities

Feature Specifications
Eligibility for Destruction Records must be:
  • eligible for destruction in accordance with the conditions prescribed in RIM Manual Section 3.2.
  • documented in the Government Records Service (GRS) accession files (REMS ORCS 12410-20) and its ARIS database.
    • i.e. schedule application authorization, removal of any “holds” for litigation or other reasons, completion of archival selection, and other necessary processes
Notifications of disposition dates and holds
  • GRS must notify ministries and agencies of the upcoming destruction of records 60 days prior to the proposed disposition date.
    • GRS uses the 60-Day Notice of Final Disposition Action report [ARS196] generated using the ARIS database, which provides information about the specific accessions and boxes/containers to be destroyed.
  • The ministry or agency must request a “hold”, if needed, before the proposed disposition date.
Holds on Disposition
  • To request a hold that prevents or delays destruction of records, the ministry or agency must email  their GRS contact requesting that final disposition action be held. This request includes providing a reason and estimated time period for this delay. 
  • GRS will cancel the disposition action. The records remain in the legal custody of the ministry or other body until the ministry or agency notifies GRS in writing that the hold is lifted and the scheduled final disposition may be applied to the records.
  • A hold may be:
    • requested by a ministry or agency on records eligible for scheduled final disposition if there is an immediate or ongoing need for the records; e.g., the records are required for current or upcoming litigation, program review or evaluation, inquiries or requests for information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 
    • placed by GRS if the records in question are covered by a schedule under amendment.
Destruction of boxed records Final disposition is applied at the box level, which means the entire box or container is destroyed, if scheduled as “DE”.
Documentation GRS is responsible for documenting the destruction of records in offsite storage facilities, including the authorization and date of destruction actions. This destruction is recorded for each specific box of records, and the documentation is linked to specific accessions and to the relevant ministry or agency (the “current legal custodian”).