The Provider Regulation (“the Regulation”) under the Pharmaceutical Services Act (“the Act”) came into force on December 1, 2015. The Regulation sets out enrolment criteria for pharmacies, facilities, and other places where drugs, devices, substances or related services are provided (“sites”). It also sets out the commercial terms for the Province of British Columbia’s relationship with enrolled providers. The PharmaCare Policy Manual, and frequent updates in the PharmaCare Newsletter, spell out how the legislation is applied.
This guide is also available to download and print as a PDF: PharmaCare Provider Enrolment Guide (PDF, 264KB)
Enrolment documents:
Please note that the PharmaNet access process is separate from provider enrolment. To request access to PharmaNet, you must first register your pharmacy as a site in PRIME. The Ministry of Health must approve your access to PharmaNet in PRIME before your selected PharmaNet software vendor can set up your access to PharmaNet. Details, including step-by-step instructions, can be found at PRIME. Note that you can register using a current municipal business licence if you don’t yet have the CPBC licence for the pharmacy — this helps avoid delays. We do our best to coordinate provider enrolment and PRIME processes, but this does rely on timely and complete submission of all required information for both.
Understanding PharmaCare enrolment
Signature of authorized representative of applicant
Under Section 11(1) of the Pharmaceutical Services Act, pharmacies, facilities, or other places that provide drugs, devices, substances or related services may apply to enrol as PharmaCare providers. The Act came into effect on May 31, 2012.
The Provider Regulation defines criteria for enrolment and the ongoing responsibilities of PharmaCare providers. If you are enrolling as PharmaCare provider, you will want to bookmark or print the Regulation for easy reference. The Regulation came into effect on December 1, 2015.
A site wishing to enrol as a PharmaCare provider should complete this application for:
This guide gives step-by-step instructions on how to enrol as a PharmaCare provider.
Important: Providing false or inaccurate information in the enrolment process is a serious matter. You may wish to seek legal advice on completing the form(s).
If you need support enrolling as a PharmaCare provider, contact our support team:
To complete the form online, you will need the latest (free) version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If completing the forms by hand, please print clearly.
Do not submit your enrolment form more than 3 months before your site’s proposed opening date. Fill out all sections that apply at the time of enrolment.
Important: If information on your enrolment form changes before your enrolment is approved, you must resubmit the form. If your information changes after approval, submit a PharmaCare provider change form (HLTH 5433) (PDF, 1.312MB). Refer to Notification requirements.
The definitions below paraphrase several definitions in the Provider Regulation. In the case of a conflict in meaning, the regulation’s definitions prevail.
Term |
Definition |
Billing privileges | The privilege of seeking payment from PharmaCare or another public insurer for providing benefits. |
Information or billing contravention |
Contravention of a pharmacy enactment or any legislation equivalent to a pharmacy enactment in another Canadian jurisdiction or a requirement of a public drug insurance program related to:
Manager | As declared on the first page of the PharmaCare Enrolment Form (section 1e). For pharmacies, the manager as defined in the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act. For other provider types, the manager of the site. |
Owner |
Pharmacy enactment | The Pharmaceutical Services Act, Continuing Care Act, Medicare Protection Act, Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act, the Pharmacists, Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act or any regulation made under these acts. |
Provider | An entity that is enrolled in PharmaCare for the purpose of receiving payment. |
Public drug insurance program | The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) program, the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program or a drug and/or medical device program of a provincial or territorial government of Canada other than B.C. (e.g., Ontario Drug Benefit program). |
Public insurer | The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), the government of Canada, or a provincial or territorial government of Canada. |
Relevant audit | An audit conducted under a pharmacy enactment or by a public insurer in relation to the insurer’s public drug insurance program. For example, relevant audit includes audits conducted by PharmaCare and NIHB, but not audits conducted by municipal governments or the Canada Revenue Agency. |
Site ID | The unique identification code (e.g., A01) issued to the site by the Ministry of Health, through Health Insurance BC. Also known as the Pharmacy Code or, PharmaCare Code/ID. |
Field ID | Field name | Instructions |
a | Operating Name |
The name of the site you want to enrol.
b |
Site ID |
The unique identification code issued to the site by Health Insurance BC (e.g., A01), also known as the Pharmacy Code or PharmaCare Code/ID. |
c | Site Address |
The street address of the site location. This must be a street address, not a box number (e.g., 123 Main Street). |
d | Mailing Address |
The address where PharmaCare should send correspondence; this may be a box number. Include only if different from Site Address. |
e | Payment Remittance Address | The address where PharmaCare should send payment advices; this may be a box number. Include only if different from Site Address. |
f | Email Address | The email address where you can be contacted about this application (e.g. the manager or site’s email address). |
g | Manager Name/Registration ID |
Full name of the current manager of the site.
h | Proposed Opening Date |
The date the site will be open for business. Must be within 3 months of the application. |
A provider can be enrolled in more than one class and/or subclass if they meet the requirements for each.
A community pharmacy that serves Plan B facilities and has a trained breast prosthesis fitter onsite should select:
A community pharmacy that dispenses ostomy supplies needs to select only the Community Pharmacy class.
A site that provides ostomy and/or diabetes supplies but is not a pharmacy should select:
A recognized limb prosthetist would select:
Field ID | Field name | Instructions |
a |
Pharmacy class |
Pharmacies may enrol as a Community Pharmacy or an Out-Patient Hospital Pharmacy, based on the pharmacy’s licence. Include a copy of your pharmacy licence with your application. In-patient-only pharmacies cannot enrol. |
b |
Pharmacy sub-classes |
Pharmacies may enrol in the Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) Provider sub-class. To enrol, a pharmacy must confirm that all pharmacists providing OAT have successfully completed the British Columbia Pharmacy Association (BCPhA) Opioid Agonist Treatment Compliance and Management Program for Pharmacy (OAT-CAMPP) training program. This rule applies to all pharmacy managers, staff pharmacists, and relief pharmacists employed in a community pharmacy that provides pharmacy services related to buprenorphine/naloxone maintenance treatment, methadone maintenance treatment or slow-release oral morphine maintenance treatment. A pharmacy can enrol in the Plan B Pharmacy sub-class. The pharmacy or the facility being serviced must provide a copy of the facility licence to Health Insurance BC once it is available. Pharmacies that provide general medical supplies (such as diabetes supplies, insulin pumps and supplies, blood glucose test strips and ostomy supplies) do not need to apply for enrolment in the Device class unless they provide one or more of the following:
c |
Device class |
Sites that provide medical devices and supplies may enrol in the Device class. Please include a copy of your business licence to enrol (unless you are enrolling a pharmacy). |
d |
Device sub-class |
Device providers can enrol in the following subclasses: Compression Garment Provider, Limb Prosthesis Provider, Breast Prosthesis Provider, Ocular Prosthesis Provider, and Orthosis Provider. Device providers enrolling in these sub-classes must confirm that each person providing benefits is recognized by the appropriate board/manufacturer (refer to Sub-class eligibility below). Device providers not applying for any of the sub-classes above should select the Insulin Pump Manufacturer/Distributor or Other sub-class if providing diabetes and/or ostomy supplies. |
If you answered No to any of the section 2 questions that apply to your site, attach a written explanation describing why PharmaCare should enrol you in this sub-class. You cannot be enrolled unless you meet the requirements or the Ministry of Health determines that enrolling your site would not present a risk to the integrity of PharmaCare or would be in the public interest.
If you use PharmaNet to submit claims, name your software vendor and software version. Contact your software vendor for more information if necessary.
You will need to provide different information depending on how the site is owned.
Field ID | Field name | Instructions |
a | Type of ownership |
Indicate how the site is owned:
b |
Registered or legal name of sole proprietor, partnership, corporation or health authority |
c |
Mailing address/contact information |
The address where the sole proprietorship/partnership/corporation/health authority can be contacted. Include phone number, fax number and email address. |
d | Owner documentation requirements |
Please ensure the Site ID is listed on all documents submitted. Provide all the following, if applicable. Please consult your legal counsel if you are unsure what documentation to include. For a partnership, provide the list of partners and contact information on Schedule A: Owner Details (PDF, 513KB) For B.C. incorporated corporations that are not publicly traded, including subsidiary corporations*, provide a copy of the BC Company Summary, the securities register and any relevant provisions of any shareholder agreements with respect to the operation of the site. For B.C. incorporated publicly traded corporations, including any subsidiary corporations, provide a copy of the BC Company Summary. You do not need to provide information on the directors, officers or shareholders for any parent corporations. For federally incorporated corporations that are not publicly traded, including any subsidiary corporations*, provide the names and contact information of all officers and directors on Schedule A: Owner Details (PDF, 513KB), a copy of the shareholders register and any relevant provisions of any shareholder agreements with respect to the operation of the site. For federally incorporated publicly traded corporations, including subsidiary corporations, provide the names and contact information of all officers and directors on Schedule A: Owner Details (PDF, 513KB). You do not need to provide information on the directors, officers or shareholders for any parent corporations. For all corporations, provide a copy of any powers of attorney in respect of the corporation (showing the names and contact information of all persons who may exercise a power of attorney). |
*Note: For subsidiary corporations that are not publicly traded and which have a parent corporation that is not publicly traded, you must also include—for the parent corporation—the names and contact information of all officers and directors on Schedule A: Owner Details (PDF, 513KB) and a copy of the shareholder’s register and any relevant provisions of any shareholder agreements with respect to the operation of the site.
You need to provide more information if any owner or manager of the site you are applying to enrol also owns or manages:
Please provide the owner’s name, the operating name, position held and Site ID of these other sites on Schedule B: Additional Sites (PDF, 513KB). If you are an owner who is enrolling multiple sites at the same time, please complete Schedule B once and attach a copy to each site’s application.
If your site is a subsidiary corporation, provide information on the directors, officers and shareholders of the parent corporation if both the subsidiary and the parent corporation are not publicly traded. If either the subsidiary corporation or the parent corporation is publicly traded, you do not need to provide information on directors, officers or shareholders of the parent corporation.
If the owner of your site owns another site outside of B.C. that is not enrolled/has not applied to enrol in PharmaCare, you do not need to provide that site’s operating name.
Everyone applying must answer questions 1-8. If you want to enrol as both a device provider and a pharmacy, answer all questions in this section. To enrol as a pharmacy only, answer questions 9-11. If you want to enrol as a device provider only, skip questions 9-11 but answer question 12.
If you answer Yes to any of the questions in section 7 of the Enrolment Form, please provide the additional information requested below on Schedule C: Additional Information (PDF, 498KB).
If you answer Yes to any of the questions, attach a written explanation describing why PharmaCare should enrol you. If you answer Yes to any questions besides questions 8, 11 or 12, the Ministry of Health must determine that enrolling your site:
Question | Information to include if you answered Yes |
1a |
1b |
2a |
2b |
3a |
3b |
4a |
4b |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
The “applicant” is the legal owner. For example, if the site is owned by a corporation, the applicant is the corporation.
Field name | Instructions |
Signature | Signature of authorized representative of applicant |
Name | Name of authorized representative of applicant |
Title | Title of authorized representative of applicant |
Date signed | Date the form was signed |
Phone number | Phone number where applicant’s authorized representative can be reached |
Submit your application and related documents by mail, fax or by courier:
Mailing address:
PharmaCare Information Support
Health Insurance BC
P.O. Box 9683
Victoria B.C., V8W 9P
Fax: 250-405-3599
Courier address:
PBC Solutions Ltd.
2261 Keating Cross Road, block B – unit #200
If your enrolment is approved, you will receive a Welcome Package. The Welcome Package will include lots of important information, including your duties and obligations as a PharmaCare provider. PharmaCare may delay or suspend payments if you do not abide by your duties and obligations.
Among your duties and obligations, as the owner of a site you must notify PharmaCare in advance of changes to your business (such as changes to ownership and management) and PharmaNet connection.
To notify PharmaCare of changes, you will use the PharmaCare provider change form (HLTH 5433) (PDF, 1.3MB). You must submit the form within a required period of time as specified below.
No less than 7 days before change takes effect for changes in: