Last updated on September 9, 2024

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These tables provide product identification numbers (PINs) and drug identification numbers (DINs) for PharmaCare claims for opioid agonist treatment (OAT).

For information about PINs for transaction medication updates (TMUs) for clinicians at outpatient health facilities, visit IIMOAT records in PharmaNet.

PINs are for OAT claims only. If a prescription is for pain, enter the transaction in PharmaNet with the corresponding DIN. Do not use OAT PINs for pain indications.

As of June 6, 2023, regular benefit OAT is covered under plans B, C, G and Z. Non-benefit OAT is covered under plans B, C, G, W and Z.

Are you a registered nurse (RN) or registered psychiatric nurse (RPN) authorized under provincial regulations to prescribe OAT? Help your patients by sending Nurse prescriptions for OAT – A note to B.C. pharmacists along with the prescription.

Interaction fees

PharmaCare pays an interaction fee to pharmacies that are a) enrolled in the OAT provider sub-class; and b) dispensing methadone with direct interaction. Only witnessed ingestion of methadone is eligible for the fee.

Exceptional Plan Z coverage

Exceptional Plan Z coverage of OAT is available to people living in B.C. who are not yet fully enrolled in MSP. See Exceptional Plan Z coverage for OAT on the Plan Z web page.

Potential coverage issues for non-benefit OAT Special Authority

After June 6, 2023, patients should receive 100% coverage for non-benefit OAT if they have active exceptional SA in place. Pharmacists should be aware that patients with exceptional SA for non-benefit OAT (i.e., Methadose® sugar-free/dye-free, compounded methadone, Suboxone® 12 mg and 16 mg SL tabs, Suboxone® film) may experience a change from 100% coverage to partial or no coverage at the pharmacy, despite having an active SA approval. This could happen, for instance, following an income review or January 1 deductible update for patients covered by Fair PharmaCare. This is due to the technicalities of entering SAs to cover non-benefit OAT under Plan Z.

Pharmacists and prescribers should call the HIBC Help Desk if they believe that someone with an SA for non-benefit OAT is not receiving the appropriate coverage. Help Desk staff will determine whether the SA is active and, if so, will contact the SA team to determine coverage issues and re-instatement. If the SA has indeed expired, the prescriber will need to submit a new SA request.

Entering nurse-prescribed OAT dispenses in PharmaNet

Pharmacists are expected to dispense OAT prescriptions written by certified registered nurses (RNs) and registered psychiatric nurses (RPNs). RNs and RPNs can prescribe buprenorphine/naloxone, methadone, slow-release oral morphine (Kadian®), and certain Schedule I or II drugs. As of December 1, 2023, nurses must be certified through the BC College of Nurses and Midwives.

When dispensing, pharmacists must verify that the nurse is identified as a prescriber in PharmaNet. The ID reference code for prescribing nurses will be Y9 or R9. The best way to confirm is to search for the practitioner in PharmaNet by first and last name, as this will show multiple records if they exist. Select the most recent record only.

If searching by ID reference code and practitioner ID, search using both the prescribing and non-prescribing codes and, if multiple records are found, select the most current only.

Reference ID codes
  Prescribing ID reference code Non-prescribing ID reference code (do not fill)

Note: You may see both ID reference codes for one nurse. Do not fill if the prescribing reference code is not the most current record. If you have any questions, please call the PharmaNet Help Desk at 604-682-7120 (Lower Mainland) or 1-800-554-0225 (rest of B.C.). 

Regular benefit OAT


Methadone claim submission requirements

  • Claim quantity must be submitted as total mL
  • SIG must include dose in mg and mL, e.g., "Take 5 mL (50 mg) once daily."
  • SIG must include the start and end dates of the prescription.
  • Carries must be claimed as single multiple-day supply for drug cost, plus a single dispensing fee.
  • Split doses must be claimed as a single multiple-dose claim for drug cost, plus a single dispensing fee.
  • Maximum one dispensing fee and one interaction fee per patient per day.

For information on the Methadone Maintenance Payment Program, visit Methadone Maintenance Payment Program — Section 8.8, PharmaCare Policy Manual.

 Regular benefit – methadone (cherry)
 Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) DIN 2394596 PIN for OAT Plan coverage
Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) - direct interaction 66999997 Plans B, C, G, and Z
Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) - no direct interaction 66999998
Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) - direct interaction with delivery 66999999
Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) - no direct interaction with delivery 67000000
Regular benefit – methadone (unflavoured)
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) DIN 2244290 PIN for OAT Plan coverage
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) - direct interaction 67000005 Plans B, C, G, and Z
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) - no direct interaction 67000006
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) - direct interaction with delivery 67000007
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) - no direct interaction with delivery 67000008

Buprenorphine/naloxone, Sublocade® and Kadian® 

Regular benefit – Buprenorphine/naloxone, Sublocade® and Kadian®
Buprenorphine/naloxone, Sublocade® and Kadian® DIN/PIN for OAT  Plan coverage Claim submission requirements
buprenorphine/naloxone SL - 2 mg/0.5 mg generics ACT 02453908 Plans B, C, G, and Z
No interaction fee paid for witnessed ingestion
  • Claim quantity is number of tablets
  • SIG should include start and end dates as best practice (not mandatory)
PMS 02424851
buprenorphine/naloxone SL - 8 mg/2 mg generics ACT 02453916
PMS 02424878
Kadian slow-release oral morphine 10 mg capsule 22123349 (PIN) Plans B, C, G, and Z
No interaction fee paid for witnessed ingestion
  • Use PINs if for OAT
  • Claim quantity is number of capsules
  • SIG should include start and end dates as best practice (not mandatory).
Kadian slow-release oral morphine 20 mg capsule 22123346 (PIN)
Kadian slow-release oral morphine 50 mg capsule 22123347 (PIN)
Kadian slow-release oral morphine 100 mg capsule 22123348 (PIN)
Sublocade 100 mg/0.5 SOLER SYR 02483084 Plans B, C, G, and Z.
Eligible for drug administration fee
  • Claim quantity is number of syringes
  • SIG should include start and end dates as best practice (not mandatory)
Sublocade 300 mg/1.5 SOLER SYR 02483092

Non-benefit OAT


Non-benefit – methadone (unflavoured, sugar-free)
Methadose 10 mg/mL (unflavoured, sugar-free) DIN 2394618 PIN for OAT  Plan coverage
Methadose 10 mg/mL (sugar-free) - direct interaction 67000001 Non-benefit. Exceptional Special Authority coverage required under Plan B, C, G, W and Z.
Methadose 10 mg/mL (sugar-free) - no direct interaction 67000002
Methadose 10 mg/mL (sugar-free) - direct interaction with delivery 67000003
Methadose 10 mg/mL (sugar-free) - no direct interaction with delivery 67000004
Non-benefit – compounded methadone
Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL PIN for OAT  Plan coverage
Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL - direct interaction 67000013

Last-resort, exceptional coverage available with Special Authority
Dispensing pharmacies must order compounded methadone from the central compounding pharmacy
For more information please visit the BCCSU compounded methadone bulletin

Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL - direct interaction with delivery 67000014
Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL - no direct interaction 67000016
Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL - no direct interaction with delivery 67000015


Partial benefit / Non-benefit – Suboxone®
Suboxone® DIN/PIN for OAT  Plan coverage Claim submission requirements
Partial benefit  
Suboxone buprenorphine/naloxone - 2 mg/0.5 mg SL 02295695 Partial benefit under Plan B, C, G and Z.
No interaction fee paid for witnessed ingestion.
  • Claim quantity is number of tablets
  • SIG should include start and end dates as best practice (not mandatory)
Suboxone buprenorphine/naloxone - 8 mg/2 mg SL 02295709
Suboxone buprenorphine/naloxone - 12 mg/3 mg SL 02468085 Exceptional Special Authority coverage required under plans Plan B, C, G, W and Z.
No interaction fee paid for witnessed ingestion.
Suboxone buprenorphine/naloxone - 16 mg/4 mg SL 02468093

TMU PINs – transaction medication updates

Not for pharmacy entry. For pharmacist information only. These PINS are for clinicians at outpatient health facilities to input. See IIMOAT records in PharmaNet for more details. 

Situation PIN
Clinic (ward) stock dose 66128342
missed dose 66128343
dose increased at clinic visit 66128344
dose decreased at clinic visit 66128345
buprenorphine/naloxone induction doses 66128346


  • Prescriber information line: 1-866-905-4912
  • Pharmacy information line: 1-800-554-0225

PharmaCare has partnered with the BC Pharmacy Association to provide an opioid agonist treatment (OAT) training program for community pharmacists. For further information, and to register for the training program, please visit www.bcpharmacy.ca.

More information on OAT and methadone formulations: BC Centre on Substance Use bulletin (PDF).