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Delegating Provincial Attachment System tasks to a non-provider
Frequently Asked Questions about the Provincial Attachment System
The Provincial Attachment System (PAS) was designed to connect patients without a primary care provider to participating providers in their community in a coordinated and seamless way. The PAS will help us to better understand attachment progress and capacity throughout B.C. It will also provide better data for primary care provider compensation models that rely on attachment numbers including the Longitudinal Family Physician (LFP) payment model.
Participation in the PAS, including keeping panel information updated in the Patient Panel Registry and clinic information entered in the Clinic and Provider Registry, is a requirement for family doctors enrolled in the LFP payment model and physicians who receive Community Longitudinal Family Physician (CLFP) payments.
A commitment to using PAS is also required for receiving any relevant PAS incentive payments for both FPs and nurse practitioners (NPs). Data to confirm that primary care providers are meeting their attachment targets will be pulled from the PAS moving forward.
In the PAS Patient Panel Registry, family doctors and nurse practitioners can upload and maintain their patient panel. This includes indicating in the system when you have capacity to take on new patients and reviewing / selected new patients as recommended by the attachment coordination team from the Health Connect Registry. This functionality presents an easy solution for new-to-practice providers and others in the early stages of building up their patient panels and will support providers at all stages in their career in improving attachment in their community and throughout the province.
Trust and rapport between patients and providers is a priority. This means there must be flexibility and choice during the matching process for both parties. Both providers and patients will have an opportunity to decide if a provider-patient match is a good fit for them.
The goal is for PAS to reduce administrative burden for providers by eliminating the need for clinics to individually manage attachment waitlists and establish consistent attachment processes in all communities in B.C. It will also provide important information to measure the progress of connecting patients and capacity in the health system, so that together we can effectively plan for the future and create a stronger, more accessible primary care system in B.C.
Moving forward, all communities in B.C. will be using the PAS as a single, centralized waitlist for connecting patients with primary care providers. It is an expectation that communities and/or Primary Care Networks (PCNs) will follow the attachment and patient prioritization processes that have been developed by HealthLink BC.
How to Register for the Provincial Attachment System:
Primary care providers , please follow the registration steps below. Additional information about registering for the PAS can be found here:
Please note that providers are required to have a facility ID to upload their panels via Dr. Bill. If you do not have a facility ID, you may need to request a facility ID from HIBC. You will need to fill out the attached request form “MSP Application for MSP Facility Number New” (gov.bc.ca) and submit by fax. Please select "BCP not to be applied" in section B, when completing the request. It will take 15-20 business days to process this request.
Any patients who are without a primary care provider should register for the Health Connect Registry through the HealthLink BC website.
After you have added your panel to PAS, it is important to keep it up to date. Accurate panels support a clear picture of our primary care system in B.C. with reliable information on how many people are connected to a primary care provider and how many are still waiting throughout B.C.
Primary care providers are encouraged to delegate tasks in the PAS, including keeping panels up to date, to their Medical Office Assistants (MOAs) or other clinical staff. Instructions for how to delegate tasks in PAS can be found here.
To add new patients to your panel in PAS:
To remove patients from your panel in PAS:
Providers can transfer patients directly from their panel in the PAS to another provider’s panel in the PAS. Instructions on this process can be found in the PAS in the “User Guides” section.
Providers can delegate their responsibilities in PAS to someone who is not a family doctor or nurse practitioner by completing the endorsement process in OneHealthID. The endorsement process can be initiated by the endorser or the endorsee. Once the endorsement process has been initiated, the other party will receive an email asking them to confirm the endorsement.
Delegating responsibilities in PAS may be especially helpful when you are accepting new patients. Doing so will provide your delegate the opportunity to work directly in PAS to select and confirm new patients from the Health Connect Registry for your practice. This can help to speed up the attachment process and make it easier for both patients and providers.
PAS training resources including videos, user guides, infographics, system demos etc. can be found directly in the PAS system.
To access these resources in PAS, navigate to the top menu bar in the system and click on “user guides”.