The B.C. government is working with municipalities to create more housing in B.C.
Municipalities have an important role in increasing housing supply in B.C. For example, they create:
As of May 31, 2023, the B.C. government has the authority to set housing targets in municipalities with the greatest need and highest projected population growth. This authority comes from the new Housing Supply Act and Housing Supply Regulation.
The B.C. government uses a Housing Targets Prioritization Index (PDF, 37KB) to prioritize municipalities for housing targets.
For each group:
The B.C. government expects to issue housing target orders to 16-20 municipalities each fiscal year.
Municipalities issued housing target orders must report their progress annually. The deadline is 45 days after the end of the reporting period.
To meet housing targets, municipalities will need to create the conditions for housing development, including updating zoning bylaws or streamlining development approval processes.
If a municipality did not meet their target and has not made satisfactory progress toward meeting its target, the Minister of Housing and Municipal Affairs may appoint an advisor to review the municipality’s progress and issue a directive to require the municipality to enact or amend a bylaw or accept or reject a permit to help meet the target. As a last resort, if a municipality fails to comply with a directive, the B.C. government may issue an Order In Council to fulfill the requirements of a directive.
The Housing Supply Act gives the B.C. government the authority to make Housing Target Orders by ministerial order in municipalities with the greatest need and highest projected growth.
Municipalities issued Housing Target Orders must prepare progress reports that include information on the progress and actions taken by a municipality toward meeting their target for each reporting period.
The first group was selected for housing target assessment in May 2023. The first housing target orders were issued in September 2023.
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