Teleconference Hearing

Last updated on August 24, 2023

Teleconference Hearings: This type of hearing utilizes computers and a Teleconferencing phone system, to conduct hearings remotely. All parties to the complaint are located in separate areas and use telephones to call into a teleconferencing line. The BC Assessment representative can be located anywhere in the province and the complainant can call in from virtually anywhere in the world. The Panel is located in a venue by themselves and are the moderators of the teleconference call. The BC Assessment representative and the complainant are provided with a 1-877 phone number and a participant access code.

When a complainant requests a teleconference hearing, they are sent an e-mail containing their hearing date. The complainant must then call BC Assessment to book a time for their hearing. Once this time has been booked, another email is sent 5 days prior to the hearing date that contains the call-in number for the hearing, a hearing participant access code, the date and time of the hearing and a link to the PARP Online Evidence Submission System (more on this further down).

Preparing Evidence: prior to the hearing date the complainant must collect and organize all evidence that supports their complaint. The Burden of Proof lies with the complainant. Evidence can include photos, MLS listings, comparable properties to the complaint property, video showing the issue(s), a map and if the complaint includes damage to the property that needs repairing, then some estimates of the cost for the repairs etc. For a comprehensive list of how to prepare your evidence package, please click here. Avoid using percentage increases and percentage comparables as evidence, because percentage change is not a foundation for a hearing complaint.

Uploading Evidence: At least 24 hours prior to your hearing day, upload your evidence into the PARP Online Evidence Submission System site, . You will also receive an e-mail that contains your hearing date and time, the 1-877 call number and participant access code. When you open this site, you will need your Assessment Notice.

The PARP Online Evidence Submission System main page requires you to enter your Area number, Jurisdiction number, Roll number and Confidential PIN which are all located on your Assessment Notice in the top right-hand corner.

Please note, your Notice of Hearing will not have your Confidential PIN on it, you need to refer to your Assessment Notice.

When logging in for the first time, the system will request a valid email address. You will not gain access to the evidence site until one is entered. This requirement will happen only for the first log in. The site contains 3 folders titled Complainant Evidence, BCA Evidence and Appeal Letter. Complainants will only be able to load evidence into the Complainants Evidence folder. It is quite possible there is evidence loaded already into either or both of the other folders. You are free to open and review this evidence prior to and on the hearing date, as the BC Assessment representative may do the same to any evidence the complainant has uploaded.

If you encounter problems with the evidence uploading procedure, there is a link on the main page to a user guide that will help. 

Hearing day: on the arranged date and time, have a computer turned on and log into the PARP Online Evidence Submission Site so that you can lead everyone through your evidence and then follow along when the BC Assessment representative is presenting theirs. Now call the 1-877 number and enter the access code, you will be on hold (music will play) until the Panel logs onto the call and then the hearing will commence. This type of hearing is typically 30 minutes in duration. The Panel will not have seen any evidence in advance of the hearing. The hearing format will need you to direct the Panel and the BC Assessment representative to the evidence you wish for them to look at, and you will need to provide a description of what they are seeing. When all parties to the complaint have completed their presentations, the Panel will sum up the evidence and then deliberate by leaving the conference call room and entering a sub-conference call room. The complainant and BC Assessment representative can remain on the line and speak to each other. Once a decision has been reached by the Panel, (usually 3 minutes) the Panel will return to the main conferencing room, announce they are back and present their decision, after which the hearing is completed. A notice of decision will be mailed to the complainant on April 7 by BC Assessment.

Please watch this video of a Teleconference hearing starting from preparing for a hearing through to the end of the hearing.

PARP Teleconference Hearing







