The strata corporation or section can amend (create, change or delete) bylaws and rules to suit the needs of strata owners while also meeting legal requirements.
Learn more on this page:
Amending bylaws (changing, creating or deleting)
Timing and voting
Steps to amend strata bylaws
Filing bylaws at the Land Title Office
Scope of bylaws
Fines for contravention of bylaws and rules
Some best practices
Legacy provisions
Creating or changing rules
Section bylaws and rules
All strata corporations must have bylaws. These bylaws can be amended: changed, created or deleted.
The Standard Bylaws are a set of bylaws established by the Province. Section 120 of the Strata Property Act states: "The bylaws of the strata corporation are the Standard Bylaws except to the extent that different bylaws are filed in the land title office."
There are two ways a strata's bylaws (or a section's bylaws) may differ from the Standard Bylaws:
Prior to the second annual general meeting (AGM), a unanimous vote is required for strata lot owners to change bylaws for the following:
It is different for non-residential sections. non-residential sections may change bylaws prior to the second annual general meeting (AGM) by a resolution passed by a 3/4 vote (or some other voting threshold set out in a bylaw) at a special general meeting.
A bylaw that allows other classes of persons to be council members can only be passed at an annual or special general meeting held after the first annual general meeting.
At the second annual general meeting or any subsequent general meeting, wholly residential strata corporations or sections may change their bylaws with a resolution passed by a 3/4 vote.
Mixed use strata corporations who are not divided into sections may change their bylaws with a resolution passed by a 3/4 vote of the residential and a separate 3/4 vote of the nonresidential strata lots (or as otherwise provided in the bylaws of the nonresidential strata) at either the second annual general meeting or any subsequent general meeting.
The following steps should be taken by the strata corporation or section to amend (create, change or delete) bylaws:
A 3/4 vote can be reconsidered under certain circumstances. If a resolution (such as a bylaw) requiring a 3/4 vote was passed at a general meeting by persons holding less than 50% of the votes in the strata corporation, then the strata council cannot implement the resolution for one week, unless such action is needed to ensure safety or prevent significant loss.
Any 3/4 vote passed by persons holding less than 50% of the votes must be retaken, if – within one week of the general meeting – persons holding 25% of the strata corporation's votes demand a special general meeting to reconsider the resolution.
To officially amend (create, change or delete) bylaws, the strata corporation or section must file the change on a “Form I: Amendment to Bylaws” at the Land Title Office. New and changed bylaws do not take effect until they are filed at the Land Title Office with the exception of pet bylaws.
Those strata corporations that have more than 7 strata lots must electronically file some forms, which includes bylaws, bylaw amendments and the "Form I: Amendment to Bylaws”. The electronic filing can only be done by a subscriber who is authorized to file forms and amendments with the Land Title Registry. Subscribers include lawyers, notaries, and land surveyors.
Once bylaw amendments are received by the Land Title Office, amended bylaws are recorded in the general index. No amended bylaws are deleted from the general index including bylaws that have been subsequently amended, replaced or no longer apply. Over the course of time, a large number of bylaws may be recorded on the general index.
The Land Title Office does not review the documents that are filed. As a result, care should be taken when submitting documents to ensure all amendments have been filed. Likewise, just because a bylaw has been accepted for filing does not necessarily mean that it is enforceable.
The Strata Property Act allows a strata corporation broad scope to amend, delete, or add to the Standard Bylaws or to substitute a whole new set of bylaws.
Bylaws usually include provisions to deal with:
However bylaws cannot contravene existing law. A bylaw or rule is not enforceable to the extent that it:
However, bylaws that restrict the age of occupants to age 55+ or that reasonably govern activities relating to the sale of a strata lot including the location of signs, times for showing common property and “open houses” are permitted.
The Strata Property Act sets out two provisions that must be provided in the bylaws:
The Strata Property Act and Strata Property regulation specifically identify that strata corporations can create bylaws in certain areas as listed below:
The maximum amount of a fine that a strata corporation may set out in its bylaws for a breach of a rule or bylaw is:
The maximum frequency for the imposition of a fine for a continuing contravention of a bylaw or rule is every seven days except for short-term rental bylaws where fines can be imposed daily.
As a best practice, many strata corporations (or sections) will periodically review their bylaws with a lawyer and, under the lawyer's guidance, file a consolidated set of bylaws to make them readable and user friendly. Take care not to mistakenly repeal bylaws for e.g. age restriction bylaws.
If filing an amendment in the Land Title Office that repeals existing bylaws and adopts a new consolidated set of bylaws, state this in the material that accompanies the bylaws which is filed in the Land Title Office. That way someone searching the records knows that they do not have to search the earlier filings. This can be done by filing the appropriately drafted resolution along with the amended bylaws. Filing the resolution also helps to provide context on what the intention was for changing the bylaws and what the correct bylaws are.
To make governance easier, the minutes of any general meeting adopting a bylaw should include the wording of the resolution voted upon and the outcome of any vote (including votes by residential and nonresidential lots).
Often it is not clear from bylaws filed in the Land Title Office what happened to a previous bylaw and whether it still applies. The amending bylaw or its related resolutions should make it clear what is happening. If a new bylaw is filed with the intention to replace the old bylaw but it does not expressly state that, both bylaws may continue to exist or have some overlap, causing confusion and uncertainty.
If the strata corporation (or section) is deleting one of its existing bylaws, the resolution removing the bylaw should expressly state that the applicable bylaw has been intentionally repealed and it should be filed in the Land Title Office.
It is advisable to have a consistent yet flexible numbering system for bylaws. This makes it easy to understand where future amendments and additions fit into the existing overall bylaws. If new bylaws are simply added to the end of the existing bylaws it makes it difficult for users to understand the bylaws. It is very helpful to have a numbering system that allows new bylaws to be inserted in an appropriate location without having to renumber all of the other bylaws. Many strata corporations follow the numbering system used for the Standard Bylaws.
Strata associations recommend that strata corporations (or sections) work with a knowledgeable strata lawyer when working on bylaws.
The Strata Property Act contains specific provisions that delay the application of age and pet restriction bylaws in some circumstances; these "legacy provisions" only apply to some owners and residents.
Rules are different from bylaws. Rules can govern the use, safety and condition of the common property and common assets. However, rules may not govern the use of strata lots, this can only be accomplished through a bylaw. For example, specifying the type of window coverings in a strata lot would could only be a bylaw; it could not be a rule. However either a bylaw or a rule could prohibit smoking on common property. If a rule conflicts with a bylaw, the bylaw will prevail.
A strata council can create a rule without consulting owners and it applies to owners, tenants and visitors until the next AGM (annual general meeting) or SGM (special general meeting). At that time, the rule must be ratified by a majority vote at the AGM or it ceases to have effect. Once ratified, a rule will continue without the need for further ratification until repealed or altered.
When making rules the strata council must:
The strata corporation's bylaws apply to a section unless they have been amended by the section. However, the bylaws may only be amended by a separate section if the bylaw amendment relates solely to that section. A section may create bylaws that are particular to that section.
The executive of a section may make rules governing the use, safety and condition of land and other property acquired in the name of or on behalf of the section and for limited common property designated for the exclusive use of all the strata lots in the section.
Strata Property Act: Sections 119-128,132, 143, 197
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The content on this website is periodically reviewed and updated by the Province of British Columbia as per the date noted at the top of each page.