AgriService BC: we are here to help

Last updated on August 15, 2024

Connect with a qualified expert for one-on-one help to access the right funding programs, solve technical production problems, grow your business or research opportunities.

AgriService BC team

Our team of experts has a broad range of industry knowledge and connections to guide you to the most appropriate programs and services.

Industry Specialists and Regional Agrologists

Industry specialists and regional agrologists

This team provides farming information and resources to resolve production challenges and manage your land and water sustainably.

Aquaculture and Seafood Specialists

Aquaculture and seafood specialists

These experts have answers to licensing questions and fish health monitoring. They can help you navigate seafood funding opportunities and stewardship certifications.

Food Processing Consultants

Food processing consultants

Have specialized knowledge to help find answers to your specific processing questions, from where to source materials and equipment, to certification opportunities and more.

New Entrant Agrologist

New entrant agrologist

This expert has a wealth of knowledge to help you find what is involved in starting a new farm business, and can help connect you with other farmers.

Business Managment Professionals

Business management  professionals

Obtain tools to crunch production numbers, analyze strengths  and opportunities, and connect with a team of advisory services experts to plan and take action for the future.

Insurance and Income Protection Specialists

Insurance and income protection specialists

This team helps you to determine which products will help you best manage financial risks in farming.

Market Development and Promotions Experts

Market development and promotions experts

Become connected to domestic and international markets. Let experts help you to access marketing resources, conduct market analysis, and find answers to your unique market-access questions. 



Contact information

Do you have a question?  Please contact us.