The broad geography and climate of B.C. enables us to produce an impressive number of food products. British Columbians are proud of the over 200 agriculture commodities and 100 seafood species harvested in the province. In addition, B.C. has more than 1,500 businesses that produce foods and beverages, ranging from breakfast cereal to wine to nutraceuticals.
Sectors and businesses including agriculture, food and seafood are encouraged to make plans and establish protocols to operate safely in alignment with public health and safety guidelines.
Agriculture and seafood producers and processors can access programs and funding to support their businesses.
B.C. farmers grow a wide variety of crops and animals. Some growers and producers are also focusing on high-quality, value-added products, such as wine, baked goods, soups and sauces.
Resources are available for growers, including financial programs, diagnostic services and information on production and pest management practices.
The marine fisheries, aquaculture and seafood sectors are important contributors to the provincial economy and are the foundation for many coastal communities. The B.C. government leads the provincial policy and initiatives related to the following activities:
Protecting soil, water, air and biodiversity is essential for the agricultural sector. Government provides tools and information to help farmers and grower ensure sustainable and environmentally friendly use of these resources.
Safe food production and processing needs a farm to plate approach. To continue to protect public health and market stability, the agrifood and seafood industry use the best available preventive food safe practices.
To support the agriculture and seafood industry and consumers, government collects and produces statistical information on industry performance, market and trade analyses, sector and regional profiles.
The B.C. government provides tools, information and resources on best practices for business growth for the agriculture and seafood sector.
A range of programs are offered by government, as well as agencies, research institutions and industry organizations, to support innovation and technology for the agriculture and food sector.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has developed a strategic framework emphasizing agritech’s role in fostering sustainable agriculture, addressing climate change and enabling food security.
Have a question about agriculture in B.C.? Please contact us.