Greenhouse Gas Reduction Regulation

Last updated on September 18, 2024

The Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Clean Energy) Regulation (GGRR), authorized under sections 18 and 35(n) of the Clean Energy Act, provides options referred to as "prescribed undertakings" that utilities may choose to carry out to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while recovering the costs through rates they charge their customers. The GGRR includes prescribed undertakings for zero-emission vehicles and machines, and related charging and fuelling infrastructure.

Zero-Emission Vehicles and Machines

A utility may offer grants or zero-interest loans for the purchase of eligible zero-emission vehicles and machines, including on-road medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and some types of off-road vehicles and machines.  The utility must provide the grant or loan before March 31, 2030, and the utility’s total costs must not be more than $100 million. 

Public fast-charging stations

A utility can recover costs from its customers for constructing (or purchasing) and operating public fast charging stations that meet specified criteria. To be captured by this undertaking, stations must be installed before December 31, 2030.

Other Charging and Fuelling Infrastructure

Utilities may also recover costs associated with the construction (or purchase) and operation of:

  • Level 2 charging stations that meet specified criteria or
  • Commercial charging stations or fuelling infrastructure that can be used by on-road medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and some kinds of off-road vehicles and machines.

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