This page provides information regarding the Refusal of Cutting Permit and Road Permit Regulation.
The Refusal of Cutting Permit or Road Permit Regulation allows the Minister or delegate to refuse a cutting permit (CP) or road permit (RP) application that is wholly or partially contained in a BCTS operating area, if any of the following criteria apply:
However, the Minister or delegate, may also consider any mitigating factors they consider relevant to the above criteria.
Consistent with the requirements, the BCTS multi-year development plan makes known BCTS’ proposed harvest areas and roads that meet the criteria of the Refusal of Cutting Permit or Road Permit Regulation, under the Forest Act.
The content of the multi-year development plan map is intended only for the purposes of spatially identifying the proposed harvest areas and roads BCTS wants subject to the regulation. The proposed harvest areas and roads are updated regularly. The multi-year development plan is not a comprehensive map that includes notation of all that was taken into consideration when determining block or road location.
For more comprehensive information on those considerations, please contact your local BCTS business area office.
For questions about timber sales licences, contact the BCTS business area.
For general questions about BC Timber Sales and policy, contact us: