On November 25, 2016, the Committee Overseeing Action for Lumber International Trade Investigations or Negotiations (COALITION) filed a petition alleging Canadian lumber is unfairly subsidized and dumped into the U.S. market. B.C. is well prepared to respond to this litigation and will defend B.C.'s interests against these unfounded allegations.
This page lists key events and documents in the softwood lumber litigation. Best efforts are taken to keep this page up to date. Please also check the Government of Canada website for updates.
On this page:
January 17, 2025
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced they are anticipating preliminary results for the AR6 antidumping case by February 20, 2025.
February 21, 2025
The U.S. Department of Commerce initiated the Seventh Administrative Reviews (AR7) of the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders for certain softwood lumber products from Canada. Each year (unless the case is settled), administrative reviews are conducted to recalculate the countervailing and antidumping duty rates for shipments during the period of review (for AR7, January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024) and to establish new cash deposit rates for future shipments. A company is subject to the reviews if there has been a specific request for review of that company filed by interested parties with the U.S. Department of Commerce.
March 3, 2025
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its preliminary determination for the sixth administrative review (AR6) of antidumping (AD) duties on certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
The preliminary determination does not have any impact on current duties or cash deposit rates. Rates will not change until the U.S. Department of Commerce issues its final determination, expected in August 2025. The preliminary determination rates are listed in the table below. See the U.S. Federal Register Notice for preliminary results of the AD (PDF, 171KB) review.
Company | AD - AR6 |
Canfor | 34.61% |
West Fraser | 9.48% |
All Others | 20.07% |
March 5, 2024
The U.S. Department of Commerce initiated the Sixth Administrative Reviews (AR6) of the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders for certain softwood lumber products from Canada. Each year (unless the case is settled), administrative reviews are conducted to recalculate the countervailing and antidumping duty rates for shipments during the period of review (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023) and to establish new cash deposit rates for future shipments. A company is subject to the reviews if there has been a specific request for review of that company filed by interested parties with the U.S. Department of Commerce.
September 24, 2024
The U.S. Department of Commerce published amended final results of the antidumping (AD) case for the fifth Administrative Review (AR5) in the Federal Register; rates are effective September 24, 2024.
Company | CDV - AR5 |
AD - AR5 (Amended) |
Total - AR5 (Amended) |
Canfor | 6.14% | 10.44% | 16.58% |
West Fraser | 6.85% | 5.04% | 11.89% |
JD Irving | 3.88% | 7.66% | 11.54% |
Tolko | 9.61% | 7.66% | 17.27% |
All Others | 6.74% | 7.66% | 14.40% |
The above table shows final amended rates for the fifth Administrative Review released by the U.S. Department of Commerce. These amended cash deposit rates took effect on September 24, 2024, the original Federal Register publication date of the final results.
August 12, 2024
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its final determinations for the Fifth Administrative Review (AR5) in the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada. The final determination rates are listed in the table below.
The U.S. Department of Commerce published the final results of the AD and CVD cases for AR5 in the Federal Register; rates are effective August 19, 2024.
Company | CVD - AR5 | AD - AR5 | Total - AR5 |
Canfor | 6.14% | 10.44% | 16.58% |
West Fraser | 6.85% | 5.32% | 12.17% |
JD Irving | 3.88% | 7.80% | 11.68% |
Tolko | 9.61% | 7.80% | 17.41% |
All Others | 6.74% | 7.80% | 14.54% |
February 1, 2024
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its preliminary determinations for the fifth administrative review (AR5) of antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) duties on certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
The preliminary determinations do not have any impact on current duties or cash deposit rates. Rates will not change until the U.S. Department of Commerce issues its final determination, expected in August 2024. The preliminary determination rates are listed in the table below. See the U.S. Federal Register Notice for preliminary results of the AD (PDF, 242KB) and CVD (PDF, 235KB) investigations.
Company | CVD - AR5 | AD - AR5 | Total - AR5 |
Canfor | 6.14% | 9.65% | 15.79% |
West Fraser | 6.74% | 5.33% | 12.07% |
JD Irving | 3.88% | 7.15% | 11.03% |
Tolko | 9.61% | 7.15% | 16.76% |
All Others | 6.71% | 7.15% | 13.86% |
September 22, 2023
The U.S. Department of Commerce extended its deadline for the preliminary results of the Fifth Administrative Review (AR5) in the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
The U.S. Department of Commerce selected Tolko and J.D. Irving as voluntary respondents in the Fifth Administrative Review (AR5) in the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
March 14, 2023
The U.S. Department of Commerce initiated the Fifth Administrative Reviews (AR5) of the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders for certain softwood lumber products from Canada. Each year (unless the case is settled), administrative reviews are conducted to recalculate the countervailing and antidumping duty rates for shipments during the period of review and to establish new cash deposit rates for future shipments. A company is subject to the review if there has been a specific request for a review of that company filed by interested parties with the U.S. Department of Commerce.
September 7, 2023
The U.S. Department of Commerce published amended final results of the AD case for AR4 in the Federal Register; rates are effective August 1, 2023
Company | CVD - AR4 | AD - AR4 (Amended) |
Total - AR4 (Amended) |
Canfor | 1.36% | 5.25% | 6.61% |
West Fraser | 2.19% | 7.06% | 9.25% |
JD Irving | 1.72% | 6.26% | 7.98% |
All Others | 1.79% | 6.26% | 8.05% |
The above table shows final amended rates for the fourth Administrative Review released by the U.S. Department of Commerce. These amended cash deposit rates took effect on August 1, 2023, the original Federal Register publication date of the final results.
July 26, 2023
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its final determination for the Fourth Administrative Review (AR4) in the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
Company | CVD - AR4 | AD - AR4 | Total - AR4 |
Canfor | 1.36% | 5.25% | 6.61% |
West Fraser | 2.19% | 6.96% | 9.15% |
JD Irving | 1.72% | 6.20% | 7.92% |
All Others | 1.79% | 6.20% | 7.99% |
January 24, 2023
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its preliminary determinations for the Fourth Administrative Review (AR4) in antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
The preliminary determinations do not have any impact on current duties or cash deposit rates. Rates will not change until the U.S. Department of Commerce issues its final determination. The preliminary determination rates are listed in the table below. See the U.S. Federal Register Notice for preliminary results of the AD (PDF, 199KB) and CVD (PDF, 221KB) investigations.
Company | CVD - AR4 | AD - AR4 | Total - AR4 |
Canfor | 2.04% | 5.25% | 7.29% |
West Fraser | 2.48% | 6.90% | 9.38% |
Resolute | 2.19% | 6.05% | 8.24% |
JD Irving | 1.72% | 6.05% | 7.77% |
All Others | 2.19% | 6.05% | 8.24% |
March 9, 2022
The U.S. Department of Commerce initiated the Fourth Administrative Review (AR4) of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada. Each year (unless the case is settled), an administrative review is conducted to recalculate the countervailing and antidumping duty rates for shipments during the period of review and to establish a new cash deposit rate for future shipments. A company is subject to the review if there has been a specific request for a review of that company filed by interested parties with the U.S. Department of Commerce.
August 9, 2022
August 4, 2022
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its final determination for the Third Administrative Review (AR3) in the countervailing duty (CVD) and antidumping duty (AD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
Company | CVD - AR3 | AD - AR3 | Total - AR3 |
Canfor | 0.95% | 4.92% | 5.87% |
West Fraser | 3.62% | 4.63% | 8.25% |
Resolute | 10.1% | 4.76% | 14.86% |
JD Irving | 2.41% | 11.59% | 14.0% |
All Others | 3.83% | 4.76% | 8.59% |
April 27, 2022
The U.S. Department of Commerce extended its final results of the Third Administrative Review (AR3) in the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada. Final results are now expected August 3, 2022.
January 31, 2022
The U.S Department of Commerce released its preliminary determination for the Third Administrative Review (AR3) in antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
These rates will only be applicable to companies covered by the Third Administrative Review, see U.S. Department of Commerce Notice for AD (PDF, 95KB) and CVD (PDF, 814KB) investigations .
Company | CVD - AR3 | AD - AR3 | Total - AR3 |
Canfor | 1.83 | 4.92 | 6.75 |
West Fraser | 8.46 | 4.63 | 13.09 |
Resolute | 15.48 | 4.76 | 20.24 |
JD Irving | 2.33 | 4.76 | 7.09 |
All Others | 6.88 | 4.76 | 11.64 |
September 8, 2021
The U.S. Department of Commerce extended its preliminary results of the Third Administrative Review (AR3) in the antidumping duty (AD) investigation of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
September 2, 2021
The U.S. Department of Commerce extended its preliminary results of the Third Administrative Review (AR3) in the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
March 4, 2021
The U.S. Department of Commerce initiated the Third Administrative Review (AR3) of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada. Each year (unless the case is settled), an administrative review is conducted to recalculate the countervailing and antidumping duty rates for shipments during the period of review and to establish a new cash deposit rate for future shipments. A company is subject to the review if there has been a specific request for a review of that company filed by interested parties with the U.S. Department of Commerce.
January 5, 2021
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced the Third Administrative Review (AR3) of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada. This publication formally notifies parties of their opportunity to request a review for both the AD and CVD cases.
January 10, 2022
Amended final results of the Second Administrative Review (AR2) countervailing duty (CVD) case have been published in the Federal Register.
Company | CVD - AR2 (Amended) |
AD - AR2 | Total - AR2 (Amended) |
Canfor | 2.42% | 17.12% | 19.54% |
West Fraser | 5.08% | 6.06% | 11.14% |
Resolute | 18.07% | 11.59% | 29.66% |
JD Irving | 3.46% | 11.59% | 15.05% |
All Others | 6.32% | 11.59% | 17.91% |
The above table shows final amended rates for the 2nd Administrative Review released by the U.S. Department of Commerce. These amended cash deposit rates took effect on January 10, 2022 as published in the Federal Register.
January 6, 2022
The U.S. Department of Commerce issued a Memo amending its notice of final results for the Second Administrative Review (AR2) in the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
December 2, 2021
The U.S. Department of Commerce published the final results of the AD and CVD cases for AR2 in the Federal Register, rates are effective December 2, 2021.
November 24, 2021
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its final determinations for the Second Administrative Review (AR2) in the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
Company | CVD - AR2 | AD - AR2 | Total - AR2 |
Canfor | 2.42% | 17.12% | 19.54% |
West Fraser | 5.06% | 6.06% | 11.12% |
Resolute | 18.07% | 11.59% | 29.66% |
JD Irving | 3.41% | 11.59% | 15.00% |
All Others | 6.31% | 11.59% | 17.90% |
The above table shows final rates for the 2nd Administrative Review released by the US Department of Commerce. These rates will take effect once published in the federal register, expected November 30, 2021.
May 21, 2021
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its preliminary determination for the Second Administrative Review (AR2) in antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
These rates will only be applicable to companies covered by the Second Administrative Review, see U.S. Department of Commerce Notices for AD (pdf, 219KB) and CVD (pdf, 218KB) investigations.
Company | CVD - AR2 | AD - AR2 | Total - AR2 |
Canfor | 2.42% | 18.62% | 21.04% |
West Fraser | 4.8% | 6.58% | 11.38% |
Resolute | 18.17% | 12.05% | 30.22% |
JD Irving | 3.77% | 12.05% | 15.82% |
All Others | 6.27% | 12.05% | 18.32% |
March 10, 2020
The U.S. Department of Commerce initiated the Second Administrative Review (AR2) of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada. Each year (unless the case is settled), an administrative review will be conducted to recalculate the countervailing and antidumping duty rates for shipments during the period of review and to establish a new cash deposit rate for future shipments. A company is subject to the review if there has been a specific request for a review of that company filed by interested parties with the U.S. Department of Commerce.
January 2, 2020
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced the Second Administrative Review (AR2) of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
December 1, 2020
The U.S. Department of Commerce published the final results of the countervailing duty (CVD) case for the First Administrative Review (AR1) in the Federal Register.
November 30, 2020
The U.S. Department of Commerce published the final results of the antidumping duty (AD) case for the First Administrative Review (AR1) in the Federal Register.
November 24, 2020
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its final determination for AR1 in antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
This final determination includes both an assessment rate (see table 1 below), to be applied to exports during the period of review (April 28, 2017 through December 31, 2018) and a new cash deposit rate that will apply to new shipments upon completion of this review. These rates will only be applicable to companies covered by the First Administrative Review.
Company | CVD - AR1 Assessment | AD - AR1 Assessment | Total - AR1 Assessment |
Canfor | 2.94% | 1.99% | 4.93% |
J.D. Irving | 3.43% | 1.57% | 5.00% |
Resolute | 18.71% | 1.15% | 19.86% |
West Fraser | 6.76% | 1.40% | 8.16% |
All Others | 7.26% | 1.57% | 8.83% |
Once the final determination is published in the Federal Register (expected within 5-7 days) the new cash deposit rates, see table 2 below, will apply for new shipments.
Company | CVD - AR1 Cash Deposit | AD - AR1 Cash Deposit | Total - AR1 Cash Deposit |
Canfor | 2.63% | 1.99% | 4.62% |
J.D. Irving | 2.66% | 1.57% | 4.23% |
Resolute | 19.10% | 1.15% | 20.25% |
West Fraser | 7.57% | 1.40% | 8.97% |
All Others | 7.42% | 1.57% | 8.99% |
June 3, 2020
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced they are fully extending the deadline for the Final Determination of the First Administrative Review.
February 3, 2020
The U.S. Department of Commerce released its preliminary determination for the First Administrative Review (AR1) in antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
This preliminary determination includes both an assessment rate (see table 1 below), to be applied to exports during the period of review (April 28, 2017 through December 31, 2018) and a new cash deposit rate that will apply to new shipments upon completion of this review. These rates will only be applicable to companies covered by the First Administrative Review, see U.S. Department of Commerce Notices for AD (pdf) and CVD (pdf) investigations.
Company |
CVD - AR1 Assessment | AD - AR1 Assessment | Total - AR1 Assessment |
West Fraser | 7.07 | 1.57 | 8.64 |
Canfor | 2.93 | 2.02 | 4.95 |
Resolute | 15.16 | 1.18 | 16.34 |
J.D. Irving | 3.47 | 1.66 | 5.13 |
All Others | 6.71 | 1.66 | 8.37 |
As both these rates are only preliminary, rates may change in the final determination; therefore, there is no change to the duties companies pay on their U.S. shipments. Once the final determination, expected to be released on September 25, 2020, is published in the Federal Register (expected approximately September 30, 2020) the new cash deposit rates (see table 2 below) will apply for new shipments.
The preliminary new cash deposit rates that would be applied on new shipments after publication of the Final Determination in September, 2020 are as follows:
Company | CVD - AR1 Cash Deposit | AD - AR1 Cash Deposit | Total - AR1 Cash Deposit |
West Fraser | 7.51 | 1.57 | 9.08 |
Canfor | 2.61 | 2.02 | 4.63 |
Resolute | 14.66 | 1.18 | 15.84 |
J.D. Irving | 2.66 | 1.66 | 4.32 |
All Others | 6.55 | 1.66 | 8.21 |
March 28, 2019
The U.S. Department of Commerce initiated the First Administrative Review (AR1) of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
January 3, 2018
The U.S. Department of Commerce published the countervailing (CVD) and antidumping (AD) duty orders in the Federal Register.
As a result, they will issue instructions to U.S. Customs and Border Protection to collect CVD and AD duties on all lumber shipments from Canada since December 28, 2017.
The U.S. Department of Commerce also corrected certain ministerial errors, and made amendments to their final CVD and AD rates, that were issued on November 2, 2017. The amended final CVD and AD rates are as follows:
Company | CVD | AD |
Canfor | 13.24% | 7.28% |
Irving | 3.34% | 6.04% |
Resolute | 14.70% | 3.20% |
Tolko | 14.85% | 7.22% |
West Fraser | 17.99% | 5.57% |
All others | 14.19% | 6.04% |
Following the publication of the CVD order, companies, who were not individually examined in the CVD investigation, have 30 days to request the U.S. Department of Commerce to conduct an Expedited Review to establish a company specific rate for each requesting company.
December 28, 2017
The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) published their final injury determination in the Federal Register.
December 7, 2017
The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) made its injury determination.
The ITC’s determination of material injury provides the legal basis for the U.S. DOC issuance of CVD and AD duty orders. Consequently, softwood lumber imports from Canada will be required to pay CVD and AD duties starting on the date the ITC ruling is published.
November 2, 2017
U.S. Department of Commerce issued final determinations in the countervailing (CVD) and antidumping (AD) duty cases.
The Department of Commerce fact sheet contains summary of rulings on critical circumstances and product scope
Company Exclusion Process: The Department of Commerce claimed that it does not have the legal authority to conduct a company exclusion process in this company-specific investigation
April 25, 2017
August 28, 2017
U.S. Department of Commerce announced that, effective August 26, 2017, provisional CVD duties are not required for softwood lumber shipments to the U.S until the International Trade Commission (ITC) publishes its final determination on injury.
June 26, 2017
U.S. Department of Commerce issued preliminary antidumping (AD) determination.
Preliminary AD Rates: Canfor 7.72%; Tolko 7.53%; West Fraser 6.76%; Resolute 4.59%; all other companies 6.87%. Starting June 30, 2017, preliminary AD rates are in effect until the U.S. Department of Commerce publishes its final AD determinations, expected by November 10, 2017.
June 23, 2017
U.S. Department of Commerce issued a Memorandum regarding preliminary product scope decision.
May 5, 2017
Government of Canada and Government of B.C. submissions on product scope exclusions to the U.S. Department of Commerce.
April 25, 2017
U.S. Department of Commerce issued a memorandum regarding company exclusions process.
April 24, 2017
U.S. Department of Commerce issued preliminary CVD determination
Preliminary CVD Rates Issued on April 24: Canfor 20.26%; Tolko 19.50%; West Fraser 24.12%; Resolute 12.82%; Irving 3.02%; all other companies 19.88%. Preliminary CVD duties were in effect between April 28, 2017 and August 25, 2017.
U.S. Department of Commerce issued preliminary determination of Critical Circumstances.
April 3, 2017
Government of B.C. submitted a letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce in support of clarifying and exclusionary language proposed by Canada regarding the scope of the investigations.
March 29, 2017
Government of Canada's proposal to the U.S. Department of Commerce for company exclusions.
March 6, 2017
Government of B.C. submitted a letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce in support of a company exclusion process.
February 24, 2017
Canada's Comments on Allegations of Critical Circumstances.
January 9, 2017
Government of Canada and Government of B.C. submitted requests for product scope exclusion to the U.S. Department of Commerce.
January 6, 2017
The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) announced a finding of injury.
December 15, 2016
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced the initiation of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
December 7, 2016
Canada's response to the Petition.
November 25, 2016
The U.S. COALITION filed a petition alleging Canadian lumber is unfairly subsidized and dumped into the U.S. market.
The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) is conducting its countervailing duty (CVD) investigation on a company-specific basis with Canfor, Resolute, Tolko, West Fraser and Irving as the respondents.
In its April 25, 2017, Company Exclusions Memorandum, the U.S. Department of Commerce claimed that they do not have the legal authority to conduct a company exclusions process in a company-specific case. ​
April 25, 2017
March 29, 2017
Government of Canada's proposal to the U.S. Department of Commerce for company exclusions
March 6, 2017
Government of B.C. submitted a letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce in support of a company exclusion process