Woodlot Licences (by District)

Last updated on February 25, 2025

Woodlot licences are administered by ministry district offices. Below lists woodlot licence information specific for each district. If the district you are interested in is not listed, please contact them directly using their contact information


Campbell River

The Campbell River Natural Resource District has 40 Woodlot Licences.

The areas selected for the woodlot licence program tend to be located in urban interface areas of the East Coast of Vancouver Island. The program provides for management that takes local perspective into account, has a light foot print, and offers local jobs and forest recreation opportunities. 

Harvesting operations provide revenue to support local priorities. Harvest rates and cut block locations can be modified to meet locally determined objectives and interests. 

Campbell River Woodlot Licences
Woodlot Licence Holder Woodlot Licence Plan Determination Letter Location
W0018 D.C. Timber Ltd. W0018 Plan Letter Lough-borough Inlet
W0025 CP Forestry Inc. W0025 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W0026 Chinook Woodlots Ltd. W0026 Plan Letter Trent River
W0042 Forever Wood Ltd. W0042 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W0082 Allen Hopwood Enterprises W0082 Plan Letter Supply Creek
W0085 Kevco Timber Ltd. W0085 Plan Letter Union Bay
W1466 Huock Resources W1466 Plan Letter Forbidden Plateau Road
W1610 Discovery Forestry W1610 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W1611 Rockview Resources Ltd. W1611 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W1612 Rick Chidley W1612 Plan Letter Moketas Island
W1613 Laidback Logging Ltd. W1613 Plan Letter Hohoae Island
W1639 Loveland Forestry Ltd. W1639 Plan Letter Campbell Lake
W1640 Dr. John Ross & Irene Ross W1640 Plan
WLP Amd #1
Amd #1 Letter
Campbell Lake
W1641 Truewood Forests Ltd. W1641 Plan Letter Miller Creek
W1675 Robertson Logging Ltd. W1675 Plan Letter Miller Creek
W1677 Headquarters Creek Woodlot Ltd. W1677 Plan Letter Headquarters Creek
W1678 1000175 BC Ltd. W1678 Plan Letter Quinsam Lake
W1720 W.A. McKay Logging Ltd. W1720 Plan Letter Campbell Lake
W1877 Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/ Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation W1877 Plan Letter Chamiss Bay
W1878 Skip & Susan Plensky W1878 Plan Letter Chamiss Bay
W1897 Benner Forestry Ltd. W1897 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W1898 Buttle Lake Resources W1898 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W1899 Snarpen Contracting W1899 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W1900 Campbell River First Nation W1900 Plan Letter Heydon Bay
W1940 Tucker Creek Timber Ltd.  W1940 Plan Letter Brown Bay
W1941 Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/ Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation W1941 Plan Letter Union Island
W1942 P&G Logging Ltd. W1942 Plan Letter Roberts Lake
W1968 0898322 BC Ltd. W1968 Plan Letter Union Bay
W1969 Cape Mudge Forestry Ltd. W1969 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W1970 Cape Mudge Forestry Ltd. W1970 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W2001 Sage Mountain Resources Ltd. W2001 Plan Letter Roberts Lake
W2002 Elk Bay Resources W2002 Plan Letter Pye Lake
W2003 Robert and Machelle Beede W2003 Plan Letter Pye Lake
W2004 North Island Excavating Ltd. W2004 Plan Letter Hisnit Inlet
W2030 0898322 BC Ltd. W2030 Plan Letter Kelsey Bay
W2031 OKISOLLO Resources Ltd. W2031 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W2032 Younger Brothers Holdings W2032 Plan Letter Quadra Island
W2044 Buttle Lake Resources W2044 Plan Letter Gold River
W2045 Huock Forests Ltd. W2045 Plan Letter Gold River
W2046 Matchlee General Partnership W2046 Plan Letter Gold River


The Cascades Natural Resource District has 37 Woodlot Licences. 

Current Woodlot Location maps (PDFs maybe slow to load):

For all woodlot inquiries contact:

Erin Thomsen
Email: Erin.Thomsen@gov.bc.ca
Phone: 250-706-6302        


Cascades Woodlot Licences
Woodlot Licence Holder Lot Size Location Mapsheet # Adjacent Timber Supply Area
W0350 David Atkinson 387.6 ha / 671 m3 AAC Aspen Creek 92H048/058 Merritt
W0351 Lower Similkameen I. B. Council 1195.9 ha / 1570 m3 AAC Larcan Creek 92H030 Merritt
W0354 Lower Nicola Indian Band 777.7 ha / 905 m3 AAC Tyner Creek 92I026/047 Merritt
W0355 Coldwater Indian Band 601.8 ha / 881 m3 AAC Maka/Spius 92H095/096, I005 Merritt
W0358 Hart Ridge Timber Ltd. 595.8 ha / 550 m3 AAC Hendy Creek 92I025 Merritt
W0359 Nooaitch Indian Band 676.4 ha / 476 m3 AAC Gordon Creek 92I025 Merritt
W0360 Soltis Holdings Ltd. 727.9 ha / 1398 m3 AAC Botanie Mtn. 92I033 Lillooet
W0361 Marita Zirnitis 599.8 ha / 1130 m3 AAC Tyaughton Lake 92J097 Lillooet
W0363 Cwyn Mawr Ranch Ltd. 252.8 ha / 409 m3 AAC Riley Creek 92I061 Lillooet
W0364 John Barten 598.6 ha / 904 m3 AAC La Rochelle Creek 92J099 Lillooet
W0365 365 Ventures Ltd. 600.1 ha / 1600 m3 AAC S. Carpenter Lake 92J087 Lillooet
W0366 South Chilcotin Park Guest Ranch Ltd. 600.8 ha / 750 m3 AAC Pearson Creek 92J096 Lillooet
W0369 Do It Enterprises Ltd. 601.4 ha / 1600 m3 AAC S. Carpenter Lake 92J087 Lillooet
W0390 Pye Creek Industries Ltd. 613.9 ha / 1249 m3 AAC Godey Creek 92I007 Merritt
W0391 Rene Thomsen 597.4 ha / 1751 m3 AAC Glimpse Lake 92I029/H087 Merritt
W0393 Coe Forestry Ltd. 591.9 ha / 825 m3 AAC Darcy Mountain 92H048/049 Merritt
W0397 K.E.R.E.D.A. and Westwood Fibre Ltd. 590.8 ha / 1669 m3 AAC Boulder Lake 92H089 Merritt
W1444 Upper Similkameen Indian Band 1444.5 ha / 1490 m3 AAC Whistle Creek 92H039/029/049 Merritt
W1446 Jesse and Jacqueline Hilton 729.1 ha / 833 m3 AAC Christian Creek 92H058 Merritt
W1477 Cook’s Ferry Indian Band 741.8ha / 1123 m3 AAC Twaal Creek 92I053 Lillooet
W1478 Patrick Joan Roach and Christine LeComte 647.2 ha / 930 m3 AAC Watson Bar Creek 92O020 Lillooet
W1503 0732115 B.C. LTD. 575.274 ha / 1060 m3 AAC Goldbridge 92J086, 92I061 Lillooet
W1634 Jesse Hodgins 591.2 ha / 927 m3 AAC Tolman Creek 92I026/I036/I037 Merritt
W1635 Gerard Guichon Ranch Ltd. 598.1 ha / 872 m3 AAC Pleasant Valley 92I028 Merritt
W1636 Shackan Indian Band 1587.2 ha / 1840 m3 AAC Pimainus 92I035 Merritt
W1637 Upper Nicola Band 1629.6 ha / 2201 m3 AAC Spahomin Creek 92I009/I010 Merritt
W1638 Rene Thomsen & Bill Strande 600.2 ha / 790 m3 AAC McPhail Creek 92H076 Merritt
W1736 Iron Mountain Ranch Ltd. 772.045 ha / 1210 m3 AAC Gwen Lake 92H097, 92I007 Merritt
W1737 Nicomen Indian Band 1301.2 ha / 950 m3 AAC Skaynaneichst Creek 92I034 Merritt
W1779 Leslie Thomsen 618.59 ha / 880 m3 AAC August Creek 92I015 Merritt
W1813 In Law Enterprises Ltd. 605.7 ha / 730 m3 AAC McGillivray Creek 92I042 Lillooet
W1827 Gordon Pike 589.6 ha / 447 m3 AAC Askom Mtn. 92I042/051 Lillooet
W1828 David Peaker 585.9 ha / 1288 m3 AAC Hurly River 92J076 Lillooet
W1829 Scott Mckenzie 609 ha / 1017 m3 AAC Eldorado Mtn. 92O007, 92J097 Lillooet
W1859 Gordon Garthwaite 587.1 ha / 1225 m3 AAC Swakum Mtn. 92I027 Merritt
W1860 Wayne and Lana Schindler 584.7 ha / 933 m3 AAC Wallace Creek 92I006 Merritt
W1861 Jaymie and James Atkinson 604.1 ha / 50 m3 AAC Summers Creek 92H058 Merritt

Haida Gwaii

The Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District has 4 Woodlot Licences. 

Haida Gwaii Woodlot Licences
Woodlot Licence Holder Lot Size Location
W0161 D. Younger 477 ha / 2728 m3 AAC Near Port Clements
W0162 G. Lavoie 465 ha / 2445 m3 AAC Lawn Hill Area
W1840 Skidegate Band Council 422 ha / 2000 m3 AAC Near Jungle Creek
W1841 Old Massett Village Council 478 ha / 2120 m3 AAC Near Port Clements



North Island

The North Island Natural Resource District has 7 Woodlot Licences. 

North Island Woodlot Licences
Woodlot Licence Holder Lot Size - AAC (M3)* Location
W0048 Tsawataineuk First Nation 4300 Kingcome River
W0071 Spiketop Cedar Ltd. 1700 Port Hardy
W0072 Quatsino First Nation 4000 Coal Harbour
W1439 John Salo 1895 Malcolm Island
W1552 John Houghton 1450 Westerman Bay
W1909 Dennis & Leigh Swanson 1450 Malcolm Island
W1788 Twin T Holdings Corp. 1400 Port Hardy

*Note: Including private land contribution


Prince George

The Prince George Natural Resource District has 91 Woodlot Licences

Current Woodlot Locations Map (large PDF, maybe slow to load):


Prince George Woodlot Licences
Woodlot Licence Holder Lot Size (hectares) Adjacent Timber Supply Area
W0201 RAYMOND THIESSEN 646 Robson Valley
W0202 DAVIE LAKE LOGGING LTD. 612     Prince George
W0203 DWIGHT SMITH 661 Prince George
W0205 A.R.E. TREES LTD. 759 Prince George
W0206 LAWRENCE RUSTAD 681 Prince George
W0208 H.M. & P.E.ANDERSON ENTERPRISES LTD. 647 Prince George
W0213 MICHAEL MONROE 644 Robson Valley
W0215 ALBERT LORENZ 811 Robson Valley
W0217 MARJOLAINE HART 600 Prince George
W0221 TIMOTHY BROWN 622 Prince George
W0224 510572 B.C. LTD. 678 Prince George
W0225 QUIETWOOD LOGGING LTD. 859 Prince George
W0238 CATHERINE HARRIS 729 Prince George
W0249 ANNIE KIENZLE 630 Prince George
W0250 CHRISTOPHER FOSTER 578 Prince George
W0251 ROGER BLAGBORNE 597 Prince George
W0267 GRANDTREES FARM LTD. 922 Prince George
W0268 RED ROCK TIMBER LTD. 604 Prince George
W0269 ERNEST MCDOWELL 608 Prince George
W0271 580521 B.C. LTD. 617 Prince George
W0276 NEAL WIDELL 729 Robson Valley
W0277 MAURICE BONNEVILLE 600 Robson Valley
W0278 DONALD MCKENZIE 650 Prince George
W0281 PIA LUND-MUNRO 601 Prince George
W0298 NUMBER 146 HOLDINGS LTD. 879 Prince George
W0299 CHARANJIV PARMAR 826 Prince George
W0611 GORDON RAHN 809 Prince George
W0624 JUMBO RESOURCES LTD. 1475 Prince George
W0626 LITTLE MOOSE FORESTRY LTD. 607 Prince George
W0627 DWAYNE HOLMES 822 Prince George
W0628 GLENN BELLAMY 908 Prince George
W0629 DANIEL WICKI 600 Prince George
W0632 664813 BRITISH COLUMBIA LTD. 623 Prince George
W0639 MURRAY MCLEAN 631 Prince George
W0642 MARNA IWANSON 640 Prince George
W0643 0823647 B.C. LTD. 1638 Prince George
W0645 KERRY BELLAMY 888 Prince George
W0646 0823638 B.C. LTD. 965 Prince George
W0647 CHANDER SURI 937 Prince George
W0652 0762577 B.C. LTD. 815 Prince George
W0653 MICHAEL NAEGELI 675 Prince George
W0654 0813090 B.C. LTD. 670 Prince George
W0655 0779140 B.C. LTD. 661 Prince George
W0659 THE CALE LAND COMPANY LTD. 720 Prince George
W0662 580520 B.C. LTD. 622 Prince George
W0664 KEVIN FOLEY 725 Prince George
W0671 NUMBER 150 HOLDINGS LTD. 842 Prince George
W0675 DEBORAH FOSTER 668 Prince George
W0696 QUATRO RESOURCES LTD. 733 Prince George
W1150 BIG BULL ENTERPRISES LTD. 775 Prince George
W1157 PARSNIP HOLDINGS LTD. 755 Prince George
W1158 KBSC FUTURES LTD. 751 Prince George
W1171 FIBRE FARMS INC. 665 Prince George
W1172 DR. LAWRENCE COOK INC. 745 Prince George
W1175 ALVIN PHILLIPS 618 Prince George
W1180 ALFRED SCHNEIDER 843 Prince George
W1193 0903701 B.C. LTD. 772 Prince George
W1199 NUMBER 167 HOLDINGS LTD. 795 Prince George
W1427 AINSLIE JACKMAN 685 Robson Valley
W1428 ROBERT WEEKS 682 Robson Valley
W1545 0843897 B.C. LTD. 666 Prince George
W1546 MACKAY FARMS LTD. 818 Prince George
W1548 NORDIC FOREST LTD. 700 Prince George
W1550 FIBRE FARMS INC. 595 Prince George
W1554 FORREST RESOURCES LTD. 1598 Prince George
W1555 ROBERT NOVAK 797 Prince George
W1558 GUDRUN PATTISON 644 Prince George
W1559 SUREWOOD FORESTRY LTD. 734 Prince George
W1660 330408 B.C. LIMITED 622 Prince George
W1721 SVEND SERUP 1052 Prince George
W1725 WALTER STEIDLE 791 Prince George
W1727 MJM FORESTRY LTD. 835 Prince George
W1729 GRAFTON AGRA-FORESTRY LTD. 802 Prince George
W1848 LEE FOSTER 717 Prince George
W1958 NUMBER 248 HOLDINGS LTD 1306 Prince George
W1959 PERRY RESOURCES LTD. 653 Prince George


The Quesnel Natural Resource District has 62 Woodlot Licences.

Current Woodlot Location map (PDF maybe slow to load):



The Selkirk Natural Resource District has 75 Woodlot Licences. 

Selkirk Woodlot Licences
Woodlot Licence Holder Lot Size Location Adjacent Timber Supply Area
W0400 Selkirk College 588 ha/ 1184 m3 AAC Little McPhee Creek (east of Castlegar) and Blueberry Creek (west of Castlegar) Arrow
W0401 Laurel Posnikoff,
Bradley Stykel
343 ha / 770 m3 AAC Near Edgewood Arrow
W0402 Gorge Ventures Ltd. 600 ha / 1621 m3 AAC North of Nelway Arrow
W0403 Robert Sahlstrom, 
Gregory Sahlstrom
579 ha / 1505 m3 AAC Blueberry Creek (east of Castlegar) Arrow
W0405 Narrows Timber Co. Ltd. 576 ha / 1687 m3 AAC Snow Creek (south of Burton) Arrow
W0406 Donald Kirk 600 ha / 1250 m3 AAC Brouse Creek (west of Nakusp) Arrow
W0407 Sheila Mattes,
Craig Upper
571 ha / 1022 m3 AAC West side of Lower Arrow Lake (near Deer Park) Arrow
W0408 Monticola Forest Ltd. 575 ha / 1700 m3 AAC West of Salmo Arrow
W0410 Robert Davidson, 
Danny Davidson
603 ha / 732 m3 AAC Williamson Creek and Mulligan Creek (near Kettle River, off Christian Valley Rd)


W0411 George Delisle 607 ha / 1075 m3 AAC Johnstone Creek (near Rock Creek, BC)  and Hay Creek (off Hwy 33) Boundary
W0416 WDLG Holdings Inc. 592 ha / 719 m3 AAC Goldrop Creek (northeast of Greenwood) Boundary
W0418 Tina Hesketh 601 ha / 936 m3 AAC Harrison Creek (north of Rock Creek, BC) Boundary
W0435 Christopher Choquette 602 ha / 1250 m3 AAC Pilot Penisula (near Crawford Bay) Kootenay Lake
W0436 Duncan Lake,
Shelly Boyd
597 ha / 1600 m3 AAC Deep Creek (near Lardeau River) Kootenay Lake
W0437 Arrow Glen Ltd. 600 ha / 800 m3 AAC Arrow Creek (northeast of Creston) Kootenay Lake
W0438 Jeffrey Mattes     621 ha / 1936 m3 AAC Woodbury Creek (south of Kaslo) Kootenay Lake
W0450 T238 Enterprises Ltd. 578 ha / 1806 m3 AAC Beaverfoot River Golden
W0452 Golden District Rod & Gun Club 590 ha / 2013 m3 AAC Beaverfoot River and north of Golden Golden
W0453 Garry Habart, 
Sabine Habart
600 ha / 1630 m3 AAC Birchlands Creek and north of Golden Golden
W0454 Bernard Schiesser, 
Dylan Schiesser, 
Oliver Schiesser
600 ha / 1667 m3 AAC Between Blaeberry River and Columbia River (north of Golden) Golden
W0456 Thomas Batten 606 ha / 1442 m3 AAC Mount 7 (near Golden), Redburn Creek (near Blaeberry River) Golden
W0460 Graham's Farms Ltd. 591 ha / 1840 m3 AAC Drimmie Creek (southeast of Revelstoke) Revelstoke
W0461 Philip Desmazes 592 ha / 2857 m3 AAC Hamilton Creek (east of Revelstoke) and west of Revelstoke Revelstoke
W0470 Frederick Marshall,
Bastiaantje Marshall
601 ha / 904 m3 AAC Ingram Creek, Bauer Creek, Jolly Jack Creek (north of Midway) Boundary
W0471 Clifford Fillmore Jr. 599 ha / 894 m3 AAC Kettle River (near Avenzor Creek) Boundary
W0474 Victor Klein 600 ha / 1042 m3 AAC Jolly Jack Creek (north of Midway) and near McKinney Creek (east of Rock Creek, BC) Boundary
W0475 Graham Kroeker 602 ha / 1233 m3 AAC Waddell Creek  (near Kettle River, off Christian Valley Rd) Boundary
W0477 Roderick Gould 597 ha / 1369 m3 AAC Lind Creek (south of Greenwood) and Twin Creek (east of Greenwood) Boundary
W0478 Klein Timber Ltd. 605 ha / 848 m3 AAC Hulme Creek (northeast of Rock Creek, BC) Boundary
W0479 Bruce Baker, 
Deborah Baker
618 ha / 1039 m3 AAC Norwegian Creek (east of Midway) Boundary
W0491 Progressive Forest Management Ltd. 605 ha / 1375 m3 AAC Duncan Lake island and north of Argenta Kootenay Lake
W0494 Kootenay Agroforestry Society 599 ha / 1465 m3 AAC South of Kaslo Kootenay Lake
W0498 Gary Burns 614 ha / 1343 m3 AAC Perry Ridge (southeast of Slocan City) Arrow
W1432 Clinton Smith,
McNeil  Smith,
Howard Smith
599 ha / 573 m3 AAC Ed James Creek (north of Rock Creek, BC) Boundary
W1433 Donald Henry 598 ha / 1053 m3 AAC Hulme Creek (northeast of Rock Creek, BC) Boundary
W1458 Smoky Woodlot Management Ltd. 602 ha / 2100 m3 AAC Smoky Creek (South Slocan) Kootenay Lake
W1460 Sinclair Forest Management Ltd. 609 ha / 1350 m3 AAC Howser (near Duncan Lake) Kootenay Lake
W1461 Carol Moore,
Ryder Moore,
Jeremy Davis
609 ha / 920 m3 AAC Near Okell Creek, (northeast of Creston) Kootenay Lake
W1468 Allan Rexin 561 ha / 710 m3 AAC Near Kettle River (northeast of Rock Creek, BC) Boundary
W1469 Woldemar Dahl 560 ha / 850 m3 AAC Northeast of Grand Forks Boundary
W1470 Daas Woodlands Inc. 615 ha / 1216 m3 AAC Maida Creek (west of Christina Lake, BC) Boundary
W1586 Floyd Larwill,
Rozanne Larwill
593 ha / 1414 m3 AAC Colepitts Creek (northwest of Golden) Golden
W1588 Vaughn Prather,
Donna Prather,
Brian Amies
600 ha / 1610 m3 AAC Northbench and Bluewater River (northwest of Golden) Golden
W1622 Ian Smith,
Beverly Smith
590 ha / 859 m3 AAC Ed James Creek (north of Rock Creek, BC) Boundary
W1623 Cassadra Thomas 598 ha / 1225 m3 AAC East of Rock Creek, BC Boundary
W1624 Lorraine Barg,
Matthew Barg
600 ha / 1495 m3 AAC North of Christina Lake, BC Boundary
W1625 Drinkwater Enterprises Ltd. 591 ha / 1062 m3 AAC Ouellette Creek (near Kettle River, off Christian Valley Rd) Boundary
W1626 Ross Freer 603 ha / 562 m3 AAC Fisherman Creek (near Granby River, northwest of Grand Forks) Boundary
W1644 Rojo Contracting Ltd. 603 ha / 850 m3 AAC Near Kid Creek (east of Kitchener) Kootenay Lake
W1657 Kenneth Hesketh 602 ha / 1243 m3 AAC Near Ouellette Creek (near Kettle River, off Christian Valley Rd) Boundary
W1670 Smoky Woodlot Management Ltd. 602 ha / 3000 m3 AAC Smallwood Creek (near Taghum) Kootenay Lake
W1702 Gary Burns 559 ha / 2714 m3 AAC Nelly Creek (southwest of Slocan City) Arrow
W1766 Darryll Hunt,
Debra Hunt
600 ha / 1152 m3 AAC Near Wilgress Lake (northeast of Greenwood) Boundary
W1767 Paul Adrain,
Susan Adrain
603 ha / 973 m3 AAC Southeast of Christina Lake, BC Boundary
W1768 One Creek Forestry Ltd. 599 ha / 1420 m3 AAC Providence Creek (east of Greenwood) Boundary
W1769 David Phillips 595 ha / 350 m3 AAC July Creek (east of Grand Forks) Boundary
W1770 I.S. Forestry Ltd. 600 ha / 838 m3 AAC Brown Creek (north of Grand Forks) Boundary
W1771 Zamora Contracting Ltd. 607 ha / 1347 m3 AAC Ouellette Creek (near Kettle River, off Christian Valley Rd) Boundary
W1772 Lanny Pownall,
Debra Pownall
583 ha / 731 m3 AAC Southeast of Rock Creek, BC Boundary
W1773 Kenneth Jones,
Debra Hachey
599 ha / 1077 m3 AAC Blythe Creek (near Kettle River, off Christian Valley Rd) Boundary
W1774 Humphreys Holdings Ltd. 600 ha / 937 m3 AAC Avenzor Creek (near Kettle River, off Christian Valley Rd) Boundary
W1775 Cassandra Thomas 593 ha / 804 m3 AAC Near Ingram Creek (northwest of Midway) Boundary
W1776 Robert Hawes 587 ha / 1200 m3 AAC Pilot Penisula (near Crawford Bay) Kootenay Lake
W1778 Randall Foggin 602 ha / 1040 m3 AAC Jensen Creek (near Yahk) Kootenay Lake
W1818 Deverne Durning,
Charlene Durning
588 ha / 1300 m3 AAC Canyon Creek (south of Golden) Golden
W1819 Irvine Graham,
Randall Appleton
585 ha / 1587 m3 AAC Tallis Creek (south of Golden) Golden
W1820 Loren Doroshuk,
Denise English
671 ha / 1000 m3 AAC Bluewater Creek (northwest of Golden) Golden
W1832 Winlaw Creek Woodlot Ltd. 593 ha / 1043 m3 AAC Winlaw Creek (east of Winlaw) Arrow
W1834 McPherson Woodlot Company Ltd. 552 ha / 885 m3 AAC Near Revelstoke Revelstoke
W1856 Narrows Timber Co. Ltd. 534 ha / 1511 m3 AAC Galena Bay (Upper Arrow Lake) Arrow
W1864 Michael Pascuzzo 593 ha / 1125 m3 AAC Rainy Creek (near Yahk) Kootenay Lake
W1919 Moonraker Management Inc. 600 ha / 1500 m3 AAC Northwest of Golden Golden
W2074 Gregory Lee 1018 ha / 2056 m3 AAC Gidon Creek (south of Greenwood) Boundary
W2075 I.S. Forestry Ltd. 1180 ha / 2517 m3 AAC Sutherland Creek (northwest of Christina Lake, BC) Boundary
W2110 R. J. Shunter Contracting Ltd. 1190 ha / 2622 m3 AAC Near Edgewood Arrow

Skeena Stikine

The Skeena Stikine Natural Resource District has 27 Woodlot Licences. 

District Woodlot Forms:

Current Woodlot Location map (PDF maybe slow to load):


South Island

The South Island Natural Resource District has 28 Woodlot Licences. 

South Island Woodlot Licences
Woodlot Licence Holder Lot Size Location
W0011 564736 BC Ltd. 384 ha / 3000 m3 AAC Port Alberni
W0012 Rick Heikkila 221 ha / 1510 m3 AAC Nanaimo
W0013 Charles Dawson 238 ha / 1103 m3 AAC Nanoose Bay & French Creek
W0014 Gordon Williams 31.5 ha / 161 m3 AAC Nanoose
W0019 Ahousaht First Nation 232 ha / 305 m3 AAC Flores Island
W0020 Vancouver Island University (VIU) 704.6 ha / 2500 m3 AAC Nanaimo
W0022 R.&K. Woodlot Ltd. 302.5 ha / 1300 m3 AAC Cobble Hill
W0024 Selective Logging Services Ltd. 259 ha / 1340 m3 AAC Malahat
W0031 W.R. Addison Lumber Co. Ltd. 324 ha / 1832 m3 AAC Parksville, Qualicum, Whiskey Creek, Horne Lake
W0097 Bruce Carpenter 341 ha / 3000 m3 AAC Whiskey Creek, Coombs, Parksville
W1464 LES Forestry Ltd. 388 ha / 2600 m3 AAC Qualicum Bay
W1475 John Gregson 336 ha / 1449 m3 AAC Lantzville & Nanaimo
W1479 Island Roots Forestry Services Ltd. 426.7 ha / 3180 m3 AAC Port Alberni
W1557 Susan Paul 328 ha / 2200 m3 AAC Cowichan Valley
W1614 Eric Jeklin & Rob Furness 387.984 ha / 3143m3 AAC Cowichan
W1713 Stz'uminus First Nation 798.4 ha / 5223 m3 AAC Ladysmith
W1902 Hupacasath First Nation 780.2 ha / 5720 m3 AAC Port Alberni
W1903 Toquaht Enterprises Ltd. 294.9 ha / 1103 m3 AAC Toquart Bay
W2122 Ts'Uubaa- Asatx First Nation 198.829 ha / 1200 m3 AAC Cowichan Lake
W0030 Malahat Tenure Holding Ltd.   562.451 ha / 3,939 m3 AAC Shawnigan Lake
W0033 Penelakut First Nation  800 ha / 4,206 m3 AAC Chemainus
W1476 Hupacasath First Nation   799.5 ha / 3,823 m3 AAC Port Alberni
W1526 Neka Sol Woodlot Limited Partnership   673 ha / 2,400 m3 AAC Sooke
W1632 Halalt First Nation   431 ha / 3,012 m3 AAC Chemainus
W1906 Stz'uminus First Nation 790 ha / 5,400 m3 AAC Ladysmith
W1957 Pacheedaht Forestry Limited   397.7 ha / 1,500 m3 AAC San Juan River
W2043 Lyackson First Nation   299 ha / 1,673 m3 AAC Valdes Island
W2096 Cisaa Forestry Llp   375 ha / 3,592 m3 AAC Port Alberni

Stuart Nechako

The Stuart Nechako Natural Resource District covers the areas of the previous Vanderhoof and Ft St James Forest Districts.  The forests and woodlots around the Vanderhoof area largely consisted of about 85% lodgepole pine which has been devastated by the mountain pine beetle.  The salvage harvesting is near complete with the young stands approaching their Free to Grow status, creating the next forests on these woodlots.  While the woodlots in the Ft St James area were also hit by the mountain beetle, they were not all impacted to the same extent.  There are significant areas of standing green Spruce, Douglas Fir and Deciduous species which allow for continued harvest, although at a lower rate for many of the Ft. St. James woodlots.  

The long term future for the woodlots in the Stuart Nechako Natural Resource District looks bright for new woodlot licensees and younger generations.

Current Woodlot Locations map (PDFs maybe slow to load):

District Woodlot Form

For all woodlot inquiries contact the district offices:

Vanderhoof Office
250 567-6363

Ft. St. James Office
250 996-5200

Stuart Nechako Woodlot Licences
Woodlot Licence Holder Lot Size (hectares) Location
W0207 Robert MacDougall 595 Just off the SE end of Pinchi Lake
W0209 John Wookey 600 Just NE of Ft. St. James
W0212 Corsa Contracting Ltd. 592 SW Tachick Lake 
W0219 Darryl Nichols 598 Just SW of Carrier Lake
W0229 School District No. 91 Nechako 598 Just NE of Pinchi Lake
W0253 Shawna Gregson 578 About 30 km on Kluskus FSR
W0255 Sherry Boschman 595 Just out the Cunningham FSR
W0256 Ross Hamilton 1206 South of Stuart Lake
W0257 Mabel  Lloyd 595 Along the Necoslie River
W0258 Andrew Hoy 600 North of Necoslie River
W0260 Canyon Tree Farms Ltd. 1201 Up the North Rd
W0274 TBT Enterprises Inc. 598 Sowchea Creek
W0283 Jeff and Valerie Johnson 600  Dog Creek and Blue Mtn Rd. areas
W0284 EOS Tree Farms Ltd. 600 Just north-west Hillcrest Rd.
W0286 Bernd Rolf Wendler 600 Top of Sturgeon Point Rd
W0288 Blaine Andersen 594 Francois Lake area
W0289 Gaylon R. McKee 568 WaterLily Lake area
W0292 Stellaquo Band Council 536 East end of Francois Lake
W0293 Clayton Foster 600 South East of Tachick Lake
W0294 Bob & Anne Davidson 531 WaterLily Lake area
W0295 Theresa Velkjar 598 Up the North Rd
W0609 Garrett Ranches Ltd. 596 About 28 km along the Bobtail FSR
W0610   595 just up the Sutherland FSR
W0619 Kenneth Fawcett 592 West side of Dog Creek Rd FSR
W0620 Braithwaite Land Management Ltd. 607 West side Tachick Lake
W0621 John L. Kochel 592 South West Tachick Lake
W0631 Shawna Gregson 598 Down the Kluskus FSR
W0635 Saik'uz First Nation 594 About 30 km on the Kluskus FSR
W0636 275737 BC Ltd. 583 WaterLily Lake area
W0640 Ben Hoy 598 Up the North Rd
W0648 Janet Robin 600 Just up the North Rd
W0649 Pine Meadows Contracting Ltd. 593 Up Chilco Rd N.
W0651 Corjan Contacting Ltd. 597 Up Dog Creek Rd
W0657 Burkhard Lepka 596 Up the North Rd
W0665 Keith Playfair 600 Just up the North Rd
W0666 Louise  Burgart 598 Just up the North Rd
W1205 Nechako Woodlot Society 599 Down Blackwater Rd SW of Cluculz Lake
W1206 Brave Holdings Ltd. 589 Off Sturgeon Point Rd
W1208 Cenwest Enterprises Ltd. 597 Down the Blackwater Rd SW of Cluculz Lake
W1210 Lori Hoy 601 Towards the south end Takla Lake
W1211 Nak'azdli Development Corp 599 Along the Cunningham FSR
W1402 Ross Hamilton 1020 South end Pinchi Lake
W1409 Louis Gauthier 600 South end Stuart Lake
W1416 Darrell Weaver 597 South of Nulki Lake
W1417 Mike & Brenda Wheeler 578 North of Cluculz Lake
W1418 Vanderhoof Real Estate Ltd. 599 Up the Dog Creek FSR
W1422 Knight Creek Tree Farm Ltd. 561 Waterlily Lake
W1431 Necoslie River Ranch Ltd. 981 Along the Tachie Hwy
W1495 0994640 BC Ltd. 597 Just off the Necoslie River Rd
W1496 Riverrun Tree Farm Inc. 590 Just south east of Ft. St. James
W1650 476928 BC Ltd. 599 Along the Tachie Hwy
W1651 Canyon Tree Farms Inc.410   596 Along the Tachie Hwy
W1703 Braithwaite Land Management Ltd. 600 Just south down the Holy Cross FSR
W1704 Blaine Andersen 600 South East end off Francois Lake
W1706 DDB Holdings Ltd. 599 North side of Fraser Lake
W1709 EOS Tree Farms Ltd. 589 North West Hillcrest Rd
W1710 Norm Avison 537 East of Eulatazella Lake
W1880 Juha Salokannel 601 North of Trembluer Lake
W1881 Necoslie River Ranch Ltd. 1196 Just up the Tachie Hwy
W1882 Riverrun Tree Farms Ltd. 600 North of Trembluer Lake
W1888 Andrew Hoy 601 Along the Tear Drop FSR
W1890 Jcholland Forest Opportunities 1082 Along the Tachie Hwy
W1891 TBT 926 Along the Tachie Hwy
W1892 Jean Marchal 600 Up the North Rd
W1893 Robert MacDougall 600 Just up the North Rd
W2086 Ben Hoy 1177 Along the Tachie Hwy

Thompson Rivers

The Thompson Rivers District has 51 Woodlot Licences. 


Current Woodlot Locations map (PDFs may be slow to load):

Notice of Commencement Form:

For all woodlot inquiries contact:


Natural Resource District Offices
Find your Natural Resource District Office on the map

Click to find your Natural Resource District Office on the map. (Once clicked, map may be slow to load)

Contact your local district office with questions regarding the woodlot licences and related documentation.

Allowable Annual Cut Calculator Tool

Woodlot for Windows (W4W) is used to calculate harvest rates on woodlot licences in B.C. woodland licences in B.C.