Aerial overview surveys

Last updated on January 30, 2025

The provincial aerial overview survey is the cornerstone of forest health monitoring in B.C. Like most forested jurisdictions across North America, B.C.’s annual aerial sketch mapping is done to efficiently record the location and severity of forest disturbances that can be seen from the air.

Combined with records from the Canadian Forest Service dating back to 1914, B.C.’s aerial overview survey data provides invaluable historical information on the patterns of disturbance across the provincial forested land base.

Information from aerial overview surveys can be used to help understand the impacts of forest pests or other disturbances, and can help predict how climate change might change the impact of these disturbances in the future.

Aerial survey resources can be found at:

Survey summaries and data

See survey summary reports for the whole province and for B.C.'s southern interior

See survey data, including Excel files, maps and GIS files

Contact information

Contact us if you have further questions about aerial overview surveys in B.C.